Pitt Merit Aid thread - Class of 2027

My child has case and Pitt as top two right now! Signed up at both admitted students days. Leaning towards case as we are oos and Pitt is a higher cost. Plus, my child likes a smaller vibe.

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My d is also doing admitted days for both but leaning case for size as well. Waiting on 8 other RDs as well but effectively only 2 when she got into CWRU EA.


Mine just got accepted to Purdue so now there are a top 3: Pitt, CWRU, Purdue


Wow, some excellent choices there! Congratulations.


Bioengineering - Our top 2 so far - Pitt, Purdue. Other options - UMass Amherst, U Minn. Deferred at Case. Need more research when time for picking the school.


My daughters girlfriend was offered the Diversity Scholarship for full tuition for Fall 2023. She is multiracial and identifies as gay. She is a brilliant young lady- going for an accelerated pre-med track. She has a 4.7 gpa, 13 AP’s with all 5’s. All season athlete, # 2 rank out of 330, 1570 SAT, multiple clubs and honor societies. AP scholar with distinction and multiple African American and Hispanic Scholars awards. She’s not sure if she’s accepting yet- she is interviewing for schools that will give her tuition plus room/board fees.


I gave up all hope. Daughter applied first week in Oct- got accepted mid November and got merit letter last week

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Wow that’s amazing!! She sounds like an outstanding student and person! Also makes me realize how tippy top you have to be to get these gem scholarships :grimacing:


Yes seems like it takes forever! Did she get decent merit to make Pitt a contender? Good luck!

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Accepted to Dietrich since September so trying to be realistic that merit might not be coming at all. The financial aid office referred dtr to Pittfund$me But when we go there it just takes us to Scholarship universe and we can’t find any Pitt specific scholarships. Most schools have departmental scholarships and such. Anyone have any idea?


Despite messages that scholarships are under consideration until March, we’ve come to the realization that merit is likely not happening. We’re OOS. At least one (expecting another) “comparable” institution offered $25k/year. Too bad.

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@FXdad20232025 same here :cry: she really wants Pitt but there may be some truth to the saying love the school that loves you back.


Our son just got his letter of Merit today (fuzzy on details as he does not share a lot and is independent):

In State
Rank: 9 out of 560
12 AP’s and rigorous load
4.0 5.4 weighted
Solid activities and leadership
Probably decent essay (did not read it since he does not share)
Did not visit yet so no demonstrated interest

He applied the first week in Nov. and heard back in early Jan. He received his merit letter today for $40 K ($10 K a year). Solid, I think-we will see.

Wishing you all the very best in your journey!


My son checked his portal and it now says “application complete” instead of “pending.” Is this a good sign? When might we hear official word? He applied 11/30 and is also waiting on the honors decision.

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Does he have accept / decline buttons?
Is there a letter in the document center?

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He has the accept/decline button now so I’ll tell him to look for that letter :+1:

Great! The letter typically appears after the buttons, but it can take a few days so just keep checking :slight_smile:


He can’t find a menu item that says “document center” and there isn’t a letter under the accept/decline heading. I’ll have him keep checking for it in the coming days. Thank you!

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Go to https://my.pitt.edu/
The Document Center button should be under Applicant Services

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Ok he found the document center but only the one letter is there which assigned him an applicant ID # and thanked him for applying. Good to know where to look though! Thanks so much!