Pitt Nursing

<p>Carlow’s mission statement talks about the education and advancement primarily of women. However, Carlow has been accepting men as full time students since the late 1970s. A guy I went to high school with got his degree from Carlow in 1984.</p>

<p>One thing to keep in mind about Carlow is that there is not any housing for men. There is plenty off campus with all the thousands of other students from the three nearby colleges, but none on campus.</p>

<p>Oh really? I think living on campus is important. For Pitt that’s not much of a problem, their 3 towers hahahaha… </p>

<p>Also how important are attendance records?</p>

<p>Hi I just happened to find this site. My daughter is a senior nursing student at Pitt. I was wondering how your application process went, if you applied to other schools, or had made a decision yet.I am a nurse also and would be happy to answer any questions I can.</p>

<p>I am new to this board and can’t quite figure out how to use it. My daughter is a senior nursing student at Pitt. I was wondering how you made out, did you apply to other schools, and what did you decide? I am a nurse also, and am always encouraging young people to consider nursing. I would be more than happy to answer any questions.</p>

<p>JnSmom – not a nursing student, but the parent of a Pitt Nursing freshman. I’m curious, if you don’t mind answering…</p>

<p>Did your D work as a nurse’s aide in one of the hospitals while a student? If so, any advice to pass along?</p>

<p>Is your D continuing directly into graduate work, or does she plan to get a job as an RN? What is the job outlook for Pitt grads this year?</p>