Place to stay during orientation periods?

I'm an out-of-state incoming freshmen student and the orientation dates seem to be a month away from moving into the dorm. (The orientation is around 7/20~7/30 and moving in is 8/16(?))
But the thing is I'm in kind of a unique situation because my actual parents' home is overseas and right now I'm living in a relative's house so once I get out I need a place to stay. Even if my relatives allowed me to stay there over the summer, I wouldn't have the money to pay my trip to VT twice. Are there students like me and what do they usually do?</p>

<p>Hop on craigslist and see if anyone is open to a one month sublease. Most leases around campus are 12 month and a lot of people are only there during school</p>

<p>I might call housing or student services and tell them your predicament. I know that they have various sports camps going on during the summer with high school kids staying in the dorms. They also offered dorm rooms to parents who wanted to pay and stay there for graduation activities. Maybe they could do a pro rated fee for you to stay in a dorm until move in time. Good luck!</p>