Placement Exams Question

Has anyone taken these via CBT? I have the fee schedule and the locations, just wondering about the experience.
Can these be taken now or only one week prior to SOAR?
Has anyone taken these at Madison campus? On one webpage it says the exams are not available at Madison yet the SOAR information suggests that most people take it on campus.
Does anyone know if the scores are available online immediately or within a week or so, or are they only available to us at SOAR?

Read the info on link above. My current student is OOS so took them at an authorized OOS test site and scores were available on MyUW within a few weeks, I think. The scores report tells you what specific math classes you are eligible for and whether you pass out of Comm A for English etc.

At least 3 years ago when my kid did it, he registered through the authorized test center, chose his dates for each exam, keeping in mind when his SOAR date was. I do not know how that works for in state students, if that is what you are.

Good luck, and congrats.