Placement Test Help?

Hey, I’m new here so if this thread is in the wrong forum or something please forgive me.

So I got into Purdue a few weeks back and I’m pretty ecstatic about it! I’m taking Computer Science. Anyway, when I was going through these documents they emailed me I noticed I had to take some sort of placement test to determine whether I’m good enough to take Computer Science?

I’m sorry if this sounds like a dumb question, but how impactful will this placement test be? If I’m not good at it will I not be able to pursue CS? I also did some research online but the most I could find was this Math test called ALEKS. I’m pretty good at Maths so I’m sure I can crack that, but my high school never had any official classes in Computer Science past the basics. Does the portion for the placement test include CS too, and if so, will it be really advanced?

Thanks for all your help!

I believe the only entrance exam you need to take is ALEKS for math placement. My son is going for CS and we haven’t heard anything about CS placement exams.

Well, from what I’ve found online ALEKS is the more popular one but according to Purdue’s website:

“Computer Science students only… Take the Computer Science placement test.”

Again, I’m not too well versed in all this. I’m also an international student so I can’t just ring them up and find out.

Sorry, I was wrong! I just asked my son. There is a CS placement exam. It determines what CS class you should start in, similar to the ALEKS for math. You need to take it before you attend your STAR session. Information is here;

Oh okay! Thanks for your help! Since I don’t have too much background in Computer Science, even if I bomb the test (hopefully not, I guess I’ll got to some prep classes before taking it), I’ll still be able to pursue CS at Purdue right? I’ll just be at a lower grade with a larger portion to study?

Thanks for your help! I just can’t seem to find much information about this online.

I think all it does is determine placement. If you don’t know much about CS, they will place you in the beginning programming classes. Not a big deal, it just means you have to start from the beginning.

Some high school students are already accomplished programmers. These students are able to start in higher level CS classes and save some time/open up schedules for more electives.

Yes, I understand now. Thanks for your help! =]