Placement test result question


On my results for my UW placement tests for math it says “QR-A satisfied” and for English it says “communications A requirement satisfied.” Does this mean that I don’t have to take math and English?


QR-A may be satisfied but depending on your major you may need more math (calculus).

Comm-A is satisfied but not Comm-B.

The SOAR advisors will help you.

How do we check our results?

Log into your Student Center.

It’s been a while since I’ve had to think about that (my UW kid just graduated), but there are Quant A and Quant B requirements, and Comm A and Comm B requirements, for College of Letters a& Science. Placing out of Quant A and Comm A means a student still has to fulfill Quant B and Comm B (no one can place out of Comm B from placement or AP/IB, as best I recall, everyone has to take a Comm B class).

Quant B requirements can be met many ways other than a Math class, just as Comm B can be met in many ways other than an English class. The course lists are public, and searchable at UW. You can set the search function to identify classes that meet Quant B, or Comm B, respectively, and many many classes will show up.