<p>wait, do we have to take placement tests before we begin to sign up for classes?
does that mean I should be studying and brushing up on all the things i forgot during the summer?
I mean, I was really really taking it easy. should I perhaps begin to review some calculus and science this last month? or can I resume my summer happiness?</p>
<p>i think the only placement tests are in the foreign language department but i could be wrong. i know that there is also a PE 101 exemption during orientation if you are planning on skipping intro PE. I've heard it is difficult and not many people pass so you might want to brush up on health if you want to take it.</p>
<p>I like how Emory does not require or highly recommend placement tests, such as Vanderbilt does. I say this mostly because I would be embarassed at how low my required foreign language placement test score would be. Believe it or not, Latin it notoriously easy at my alma mater because of the very nice, but extraordinarily apathetic teacher. By that, I mean we rarely learned Latin. Instead, we threw parties and talked about life.</p>
<p>The PE test comes off as intimidating.</p>
<p>I guess I should go do some push-ups and run on my tred mill after I get off the computer.</p>
<p>lol, good. i've been working out some, running as well. how many push ups, sit ups, pull ups, and miles do u think they'll make u run.</p>
<p>and taking pe in college is pretty lame if u ask me...</p>
<p>well... it's a written test so i doubt that working out would help much, and plus you will have to take three more PE courses before you graduate so you can't escape it entirely.</p>
<p>3 more PE courses...wowo...i guess emory likes it's students trim and fit!! LOL</p>
<p>I was actually one of the lucky few to pass the PE 101 Exemption last year. During orientation week there will be a few times when the test will be administered. All you have to do is show up and take the test (takes about an hour) and you have a shot at being exempted from arguably the most-hated class at Emory. Most of the questions were pretty relevant to college life: mental health, STDs, drug/alcohol abuse. Some of the sex questions were...explicit (made me blush a little) but I honestly didn't think the test was that hard. You need an 80/100 to pass, I think.</p>
<p>Just curious -- why is this the most hated class at Emory? Teachers, course content, dificult grading, the fact that it's an ironclad requirement, or a little bit of each?</p>
<p>It's because it's tedious (nothing really earth-shattering) and it's a fairly big time commitment (3x a week plus a lab, attendance usually is counted, if I remember correctly). Grading depends on the teacher (I refer you to class comments on Learnlink for more specifics on that). On the other hand, the fact that so many people take PE 101 makes it that much more likely that you'll have lots of friends in the class! :-)</p>
<p>You can take PE classes pass/fail, is that correct?</p>
<p>Because I wouldn't be happy getting a "B" in a PE class.</p>
<p>And another thing, </p>
<p>Llyndyn, is there any book or subject one could study in order to prepare for this exam? I really want to pass it.</p>
<p>Even if you pass out of the Health Exam, I think you still have to take 4 PE classes. I'm not sure about this though. Health isn't that bad and some of the guest speakers are actually interesting. Plus, if you do your work, it's an almost guaranteed A. Yall shouldn't complain about the PE requrement. They will help bring up your GPA. Especially after the first semester of freshman year.</p>
<p>i'm def going to try to take the test and pass it-i'm not complaining about a class where we are like physically working out, but taking health was lame the first time i cant imagine what its going to be like to take it again...what is on it and is it worth trying to study for it?</p>
<p>there is also a chemistry placement test that I believe anyone who wants to take chemistry has to take</p>
<p>yeah, i was looking through the new packet and saw that chemistry required test for everyone who wants to take chem 141. it looks like i better start studying.</p>
<p>Wait, a placement test even for people coming in with AP/IB credit?</p>
<p>here is the heading of the document: "Mandatory Placement Test fot ALL students Intending to take Chemistry 141." it seems like unless you are using your AP credit to place into the next course, you will have to take the test to be able to have chem 141. sucks i know.</p>
<p>yeah, I'm trying to get into CHem 171 so I've got to hit the books pretty hard the next couple weeks</p>
<p>@ SEWCurious:</p>
<p>I e-mailed the lady in charge of placement testing for chemistry... Hopefully we won't have to take the test... It seems really asinine for those who have credit to have to take a test on stoichiometry.</p>
<p>Everybody has to take the chemistry placement exam; however, that has no bearing on whether or not you get into Chem-171. At least back when I did it, you had to send Jose an application, and he lets you in based off of that. It asked for your AP scores and stuff.</p>