Placement tests

<p>Here is some info on taking the Math Placement test. You can be exempt!!</p>

<p>On the “Honors &Blount Freshman Orientation” tenative BB schedule the math test can be taken for the first time OR retaken at 10:45am. Please check your schedule for your BB session.</p>

<p>Looks like the best choice might be to take it 2 weeks before you show up for BB.</p>

<p>Here is some more info.
[Math</a> Assessment](<a href=“Testing Services – University of Alabama Testing Services | The University of Alabama”></p>

<p>New Freshmen and Transfers: </p>

<p>Those required to take the Math Assessment should do so a minimum of two weeks prior to their scheduled Orientation session to insure all scores are received prior to your arrival. If you opt to retake the assessment during your Orientation session, the location of your test will be provided to you at check-in. You may access the Math Assessment through the MyBama portal and will need your Bama username and password. You must be registered for Orientation in order to access the system. </p>

<p>Download PDF instructions for the Assessment here. </p>

<p>•Go to the Academics tab
•Find the Admissions section
•Select the Math Assessment link
In order to be exempt from the Math Assessment requirement, you must meet one of the following requirements:</p>

<p>•You scored a 29 or higher on the ACT math test OR a 640 or higher on the SAT math test AND you have successfully completed a high school calculus course (grade of C- or higher)
•You have math transfer credit that has already been approved </p>

<p>The Math Assessment is designed to measure your level of skill in various areas of mathematics. The University of Alabama uses the assessment to accurately place you in a math course where you have the greatest chance of success. </p>

<p>Preparing for the Math Assessment:</p>

<p>•Take the MATH PRACTICE ASSESSMENT (for Username/Password, use: practice/practice)
•Brush up on your skills by working some problem sets
•Find out about UA Undergraduate Mathematics courses</p>

<p>It sounds like you are supposed to take it 2 weeks prior. How long is it? Does it go up through precal?</p>

<p>The test takes 55 minutes. Here is a way to practice. </p>

<p>The Math Assessment is designed to measure your level of skill in various areas of mathematics. The University of Alabama uses the assessment to accurately place you in a math course where you have the greatest chance of success. </p>

<p>Preparing for the Math Assessment:
use this link
<a href=“Testing Services – University of Alabama Testing Services | The University of Alabama”>Testing Services – University of Alabama Testing Services | The University of Alabama;
( the hyperlinks didn’t come out in this post)</p>

<p>•Take the MATH PRACTICE ASSESSMENT (for Username/Password, use: practice/practice)
•Brush up on your skills by working some problem sets
•Find out about UA Undergraduate Mathematics courses </p>

<a href=“”></a>

<p>Interesting. D took hers the morning of Day 2 of Bama Bound. Guess it gives the staff a little more wiggle room to have those scores before orientation and frees up some time in the BB program.</p>

<p>Foreign Language Placement test info found here:</p>

<p>[Foreign</a> Language Assessment](<a href=“Testing Services – University of Alabama Testing Services | The University of Alabama”>Testing Services – University of Alabama Testing Services | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>• Available in Spanish, French, German, Latin, and Russian.
• May be taken once.
• For Spanish, French, and German — computer adaptive assessment
• For Latin and Russian — paper/pencil assessment
o Contact the Department of Modern Languages & Classics to schedule
• Spanish or French
o 2 or more years of study – option to take the placement assessment for possible placement into a 200 level course or not take the assessment and be placed into 103
• Honors Spanish and French
o FR 201-005 amd SP 201-007 recommended for those who place into 201 IF
 Accepted into the UA Honors program
 Score 28 or higher on the ACT
 Score 1220 or higher on the SAT
• German, Latin, or Russian
o 2 or more years of study – placement assessment required

• College credit options
o Must be placed into 201 or higher based on placement assessment
o Credit for lower level courses will be granted
 If student earns a grade “C” or higher (in placed course) AND
 Student submits a written petition
Foreign Language Placement
o Spanish
 0-220 ------ SP 101
 221-355 — SP 103
 356-439 — SP 201
 440+ ------- SP 300+
o French
 0-280 ------ FR 101
 281-345 — FR 102
 346-402 — FR 201
 403+ ------- FR 300+
o German
 0-327 ------ GN 101
 328-416 — GN 102
 417-547 — GN 201
 548+ -------GN 202+
• Find out about UA’s Department of Modern Languages and Classics
• Learn about UA’s Language Resource Center
To register for Foreign Language placement assessments outside of Early Placement Testing or Bama Bound orientation sessions, please call (205) 348-8472.</p>

<p>*It sounds like you are supposed to take it 2 weeks prior. How long is it? Does it go up through precal? *</p>

<p>Do you mean will it tell you that you need to do pre-cal or cal? I know that one of my son’s friend never took calculus in high school and then did a gap year after high school. When he started at Bama, he took the test and it indicated that he needed to take pre-cal (I guess he had forgotten too much). </p>

<p>I know it says that, but what about the kids who are going to BB right before school starts? I wonder if that is old info that has never been updated. </p>

<p>I would call the test placement office and ask… </p>


<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>In order to be exempt from the Math Assessment requirement, you must meet one of the following requirements:</p>

<p>•You scored a 29 or higher on the ACT math test OR a 640 or higher on the SAT math test **AND **you have successfully completed a high school calculus course (grade of C- or higher)</p>

<p>•You have math transfer credit that has already been approved</p>

<p>My D took AP cal Sr year and had to take precal in college. Apart from older S(dif father) we did not get the math gene here.</p>

<p>Is there a “core requirement” of 2 math semesters? I’m thinking if so, it might not be bad to place into precal(if you’ve had it) & then take cal. I don’t think cal is required for his major, but you need it for biz school & some other grad schools, so I think he should take it. You never know how your plans might change. Sounds like he should take the placement after ap’s, exams & final projects are due. That should leave 2 weeks or so before BB.</p>

<p>I forget what the plan was for language. S is in ihp, I thought if he could place into 201 then he would only have to take 1 year and fulfill language requirement for ihp, is that true? He has had 4 years in hs, but not at the honors or ap level. I recall something about the clep, does he have to take that in order to get credit for the 2 100 level classes?</p>

<p>My D took the CLEP test for Spanish last week, scored a 70, and will receive 14 credits for Spanish!! Best $97 I ever spent!! She said it was fairly easy because there was no speaking, only listening etc.</p>

<p>From what I understand she now starts with Spanish 202. She did not sign up for IHP, (she was afraid it might be too much with CBH, and hopefully working in a lab) anyone know if you can still apply? If she were to apply, how would her CLEP credits work towards that?</p>

<p>CLEP count towards IHP requirements and do not require one to take additional language classes in order to get credit. In CBA, students who place into calculus are exempt from the precalculus requirement and only need calculus credit.</p>

<p>nicollec…I’m curious, how much high school spanish did your D take prior to CLEP? My S is considering, he has 3 yrs spanish and the lady at testing center was very encouraging.</p>

D has 4 years of Spanish (A student), and she lived overseas as a child, so she has a great aptitude for it, but she could have scored 14 points lower, and still gotten the credit, and over 20 points lower and she still would have gotten 8 credit hours. I am going to encourage DS to try it as a senior year too, it only cost $97 through our local CC. Check on it soon though because our CC only offers the test Sept through May.</p>

<p>Congrats to nicollec’s daughter!!</p>

<p>Has anyone taken the Computer Science Placement Test?</p>

<p>I can’t figure out if my D needs to take the computer science placement test. She will be in CBHP, EE major, lots of AP. </p>

<p>Here’s what I found.
If you are entering the University in a degree program that requires CS102 (Microcomputer Application), you have the opportunity to take a Computer Science Assessment that may allow you to bypass the CS102 requirement. If you are unsure whether your program requires CS102, please consult your catalog or review the online catalog at [University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2008-10](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama). If you elect to take the assessment prior to orientation, please do so online no later than the week prior to your arrival for Bama Bound. If you prefer to take the exam after your orientation, you may register for a later date.</p>

<p>Information and registration for the CS assessment may be found at [CS</a> 102 Placement Assessment](<a href=“]CS”> Please be sure to read the “General Information” and “Registration Instructions” documentation prior to registering for the exam. If you have questions, please contact Kathy Morris at <a href=“”></a>.</p>

<p>Thanks Cuttlefish, she was thrilled!! We are trying to figure all this placement stuff out too. It looks like the max credits you can use is 45. D will be coming in with 56+, not sure, but it sounds like she can use it to jump to the next level, but not actually get the credit for it. I would love to hear what you find out about CS.</p>

<p>*and will receive 14 credits for Spanish!! Best $97 I ever spent!! She said it was fairly easy because there was no speaking, only listening etc.</p>

<p>From what I understand she now starts with Spanish 202. *</p>

<p>She’s tested beyond 202. She now qualifies for 300 level Spanish if she desires. If she wants, she can be done with Spanish. </p>

<p>She can apply to IHP if she wants…just resubmit her Honors College app with that section complete.</p>

<p>ldinct: D is a history major and she only needed 3 credits in math.</p>

<p>Cuttlefish123: Since your D is in CBHP, she does not need to take the placement test for computer science.</p>

<p>nicollec: As for all those credits, Alabama will accept beyond the 45-mark. Those credits will become very important in the fall, when it’s time to register for spring classes, and later, for housing for the following year. Registration for those two areas is based on credit hours. … BTW, your reaction to the CLEP is the same one I had to AP. My son took seven, online AP classes through our state program. The state picked up all costs for those exams, while his HS paid a portion of the other six exams. I often tell my students that I paid $234 for 65 college credits.</p>

<p>Momreads: Thank you for the info. One less thing to worry about. $234 for 65 college credits is an amazing deal. Congrats to you and your son.</p>

Can you say more about how UA will accept more than the 45 max stated in the Undergrad Catalog: “The maximum credit obtainable through all programs by placement is 45 semester hours,”? Do you have to petition or something to get beyond the 45 max?</p>

<p>I am rethinking the college transcript S had sent to 'bama. One is a B in Eng comp 102(or the second one whatever that is called). I don’t think he needs it since he has a 5 in AP Eng, and scored high on SAT V&CR(if they look at that). Does the 5 in AP Eng give him credit for 101 & 102? He doesn’t need to transfer in a “B”.
The other class is an “A” he got in Psych 101. That is going to be his major, he will have to discuss with his advisor whether he should take Honors Psych(101 or whatever its called) since he is going to be in that program. Maybe if they use a different book it wouldn’t be too bad.
Once he sends transcripts can he not use them? Should have thought of this prior but we were happy to have college & ap credits and thoughts of double major or minor dancing in our heads.</p>