
So I took my placement test and placed in Math 112, Communication Course A, and Spanish 226. I know my math score isn’t very good considering that I’m planning on majoring in Biology. Can I have some feedback? Am I screwed? Should I retake? Thanks everyone

Great job on the Spanish placement!

I have not heard of students being allowed to retake any of the placement tests. What high school class math are you in now?

If you look in Student Center you should be able to find your math test subscores, and then see below.

Here is the placement algorithm. See if you were borderline in one if the 3 subscores.

How did you find out what you got placed into?

Placement results should be in Student Center.

So I was borderline and got placed into 211 for math. My trig sub score was 560. I just finished taking calc AB this past year, which is equivalent to 221. Do I need to retake the placement, or is it close enough they won’t care?

I don’t think you can retake placement tests. They care and my understanding is there is no ‘close enough’.

But, when will you get your AP Calc AB score?

From the website, it looks like it is possible to retake the Math but not the English:
“I didn’t get the scores I wanted. How do I retest?
Retesting in math is not automatic. To talk about this possibility and receive permission for a retake, you need to see the math consultant at SOAR or email: during the academic year. You have to realize that the latest scores are the ones that count even if they are lower so the decision to retake the math placement test should be taken after serious consideration. Retesting in English is not allowed”

@ad1172 and @Heidi02 Did you take them via CBT/remote? How long did it take for you to get your results and where were they posted?

^^Good info!

@Madison85 I get my AP results two days before my scheduled soar date. My concern is that I received a 4 or 5 and will have credit for 221, but am placed in the 171 217 year long course which is lower than math I’ve already taken. I reviewed the 221 notes/semester review packet last night and knew about 90% of the stuff in it. Just a little concerned because I was only off by 5 points in one of the Sub sections.

@leyland I took my tests at UW back at the beginning of April. The only reason I saw them now was because someone in the class Facebook group said they were posted to student center. It said my test date was 4/11 and my results were posted on 4/20.

Which result determines course placement? AP test or placement test? S placed out of Comm A based on last year’s AP Lang test, just Xing fingers that he also did well on placement test.

If you chose to have your AP scores sent directly to UW, they may show up in your student center a couple of weeks before you get them from College Board. The colleges receive them that early, but it may depend on how quickly they get entered into system. In case you are thinking of retaking placement test, but it turns out AP test overrides it, then you might be able to wait on the AP scores. You could schedule a retake for just before SOAR and then cancel if the AP score is 4/5.

I thought that AP/IB scores would trump a mediocre placement test result – at least based on my kid’s experience. Mine did not test out of Comm A in his placement test, but had sufficiently high AP/IB scores to test out of Comm A. He had SOAR before his AP/IB scores were out, but modified his schedule based on the later scores.

So basically, I understood, if you have a sufficiently high test score to be exempt or place into something, the highest score controls, even if scores on UW’s own placement are not high enough to do so.

^Thanks. I was hoping that is how it works. It likely won’t be an issue, but I’m a worrier.

Does anybody know what score is needed on the English placement to test out of Comm A? I got a 600 and didn’t get Comm A satisfied and I know somebody with a 650 that did get Comm A satisfied.

Footnote 4 of this pdf indicates that a placement test score of 605 satisfies Comm A.

Are you taking AP English exams?