Places to eat and things to do

<p>I will be visiting the campus with S for a long weekend. We will attend the admitted student day on Sat April 13. We are arriving on Thurs evening and staying until Sunday. First and only visit for S to the school. Hurricane Sandy unfortnately ruined our plans for a fall football game visit. Friday we are on our own to walk the campus and eat lunch in the dining hall. Recommendations on places to eat dinner or must see's while we are visiting would be really helpful. Thank you!</p>

<p>First of all, congratulations on the acceptance! Second, I am jealous as we are still waiting for a decision :)</p>

<p>You should walk through the academic buildings on Friday, while there is a lot of activity. Read the bulletin boards, etc. If you know an intended major, finding that building would be all the better. We have been several times to visit, and found the academic side to be largely deserted on Saturday. </p>

<p>The downtown area adjacent to campus is one of my favorite areas. Walk down college avenue, and then up and down the two or three blocks of main street. Mike’s Grill is my favorite place to eat. Souvloki rates well too. By far not the only choices to eat. Plenty of places on main street to find VT shirts, etc.</p>

<p>IMO, the best dining in the Blacksburg area is on-campus. The options are varied and the prices are decent even without the “discount” that students get with their meal plans.</p>

<p>Thank you both for your advice. DecideSomeHow - I hope you hear soon!</p>

<p>For dining on campus, ChrisTKD is right, the food is pretty good. We ate brunch at D2/Dietz on a Saturday and it was great. Also was able to see a wide variety of breakfast lunch food. I did not eat dinner that day if that tells you anything.</p>

<p>The Cellar has good Greek/Italian, PKs is a good pizza place, and Rivermill has absurdly good tater tots and good burgers too (especially if they have the bison burgers in.) Those are the three places I always go if I’m in town.</p>

<p>Sycamore Deli is really good but I haven’t been since they changed locations.</p>

<p>Where is Rivermill? I hear legendary stories about those tots but I always forget to ask where that place is.</p>

<p>Thanks again for the suggestions…sounds like I won’t be hungry!</p>

<p>DecideSomeHow — hoping for good news to come your way :)</p>

<p>Rivermill is where Books, Strings, and Things used to be. Of course, that is probably not very helpful. It’s on Draper, just off College Ave.</p>

<p>lisak1234 - Congratulations to your son! My son & I attended this 2 years ago & I thought it was great. It confirmed to me this was the best fit for my son. There are several sporting events going on Friday & Saturday (baseball, lacrosse, & tennis). Walk around campus if you get there Friday afternoon - look at the campus, the students, ask questions - the students are very friendly & willing to point you in the right direction. I agree with the other posts about eating on campus. Good luck & enjoy your time in Blacksburg!</p>

<p>Will you be taking a tour on Saturday? If so, I may be your tour guide!</p>

<p>Original poster- You mentioned Hurricane Sandy, are you from NJ? I’m a freshman here at Tech from NJ Shore area (Brick). If you have any questions about Tech, coming from Jersey, or best way to get down here (NJ Turnpike to PA Turnpike to I-81 much faster than I-95), feel free to message me!</p>

<p>We’ll be there with my son on 4/13 as well. I am SO looking forward to this - I’m excited for him (and us!) to see VT in person! Unfortunately, we just have the one day, but we’ll make the most of it. Does anyone know if it’s OK to bring along a 6-year old sibling to this event? My husband and I will tag team to make sure he is off to the side and occupied, but I’m not sure if he’s welcome. We’re from NY originally, but have relocated to MD, so we have no family here to leave him with for the day. Worst case, one parent will have to stay home.</p>