Placing out -- AP

<p>in WCAS, how many required courses can we place out of with sufficient AP scores?</p>

<p>also, does anyone know what it means when it says, under "Course Credit Authorized" [<a href=""&gt;][/url&lt;/a&gt;], (Spanish 2X)? what does the 2X indicate?</p>

<p>With English, you can’t get distribution credits, but you can get up to four elective credits. Other than that, you can only use your AP credits for two distribution credits in different areas. You can’t use a Bio credit and a Physics credit to complete your Natural Sciences requirement, but you can use one of them.</p>

<p>Wish I’d known that before I took nine tests. :/</p>

<p>hey sorry for bumping this thread up…but i have a similar question. What’s the difference between distribution/elective credits? Are elective credits worth the time to prepare for a good grade on the AP? </p>

<p>thanks in advance to whoever reads this.</p>

<p>Aabbcc, distribution requirements (distros) are basic courses in different subject areas that you have to take to fulfill the requirements for your major. Then there are major requirements (the ones actually relevant to your major). Then there are electives…which are basically just anything/everything in excess/in-between of the others. </p>

<p>The distros for each school within NU differ from those required for the next. In general, though, an AP credit will get you a distro credit.</p>

<p>hmm, would sufficient ap credit allow someone the opportunity to say, graduate a quarter early? or are the requried courses spread out as to limit such possibilities?</p>

<p>Yeah, you could graduate early. That’s the main incentive of doing well on AP exams, in my opinion…saving money by graduating early.</p>

<p>Wish we got english distro credit… :/</p>

<p>Bank1019, what major are you? I don’t know why you wouldn’t be able to…</p>

<p>okay, this may be a dumb question, but the whole distribution requirements thing confuses me. If i have a 5 on eng lang, and 5 on eng lit … those do not count for credit? do they just mean that I get placed in a harder english class? If i have 5’s on world, euro, and US history - does that mean I never have to take a history class in college if my major is in science? and a 3 or 4 on chem would just effect what class I was in, right? or would I actually get a credit for it?</p>

<p>I’ll be an econ major, I got a 5 on english language last year… was hoping to place out of a distro. :/</p>

<p>lovely- aren’t you in Comm? I don’t know how the distros work there, but at least in Weinberg, you can’t use the English credits for distros. I got a 5 on both of the English AP tests and got 4 elective credits, but no distros. Interestingly, I was able to use my Spanish Lit. AP for an Area VI distro. (Lit and Fine Arts for those who don’t know)</p>

<p>@gg- The English credits will allow you to take a 200 level class, but you don’t get any Distribution credits for them. (This is assuming you are in Weinberg) Also, you can use one of your History APs to get a Distro credit, but not all three of them. Just one. If you get a 3 or a 4 on Chem, I’m pretty sure that doesn’t matter anyway, since you need a 5.</p>

<p>Rhapsody – Actually, yes, you’re right. I guess I sort of spoke out of turn there, because I got 4s on my English APs and therefore couldn’t get ANY credit for them. So, right, no distro credit for English.</p>

<p>For Weinberg, you need 45 quarter classes to graduate.
If you got elective credit for 4 AP tests, not for distribution requirements,
would you then only have to take 41 classes to graduate?</p>

<p>As far as I know, AP Chem is the only AP test where a score of 3 or above is acceptable. For most of the rest, a 5 is necessary.</p>

<p>To the above poster: yes, if you come into NU with 4 AP scores of 5 (or 3 in the case of AP Chem), and are awarded general/distro/major credit for them, you will need to complete fewer classes (i.e. 41 in Weinberg) to graduate- many seniors graduate after winter quarter because they came in with some AP credit.</p>

<p>You can only use up to 2 AP scores to fulfill a distro, and you can only use one AP in each of the distro areas (e.g. you can’t use 2 history APs to get out of your history requirement, etc).</p>