<p>How bad is plagiarism at your school?</p>
<p>For me it's so bad, nearly everyone does it. Now we have to turn everything in to turnitin.com uhhhh!! so annoying!</p>
<p>How bad is plagiarism at your school?</p>
<p>For me it's so bad, nearly everyone does it. Now we have to turn everything in to turnitin.com uhhhh!! so annoying!</p>
<p>I'm not saying that there isn't plagiarism at my school (there is everywhere), but it's not a big problem here. Usually, our teachers ask us to write down all our sources and search on thoses websites to see if there are whole paragraphs copied from them. And we don't have a lot of assignments. Those that get caught have a 0% on theirs...</p>
<p>It's not a huge problem here, but it does happen once in a while.</p>
<p>Once in my Bible Lit class, a kid got caught because he copied a paper that someone else had written about his topic, but didn't bother to take the verse numbers out o the Bible citations.</p>
<p>It's a HUGE problem at my school and the teachers are clueless. This guy I know has turned in whole papers that were literally copy+pasted as a whole from another website and gotten good grades on them. Blehehllask. It makes me sick inside a little :[</p>
<p>At the high school I used to go to, it's a huge problem.</p>
<p>Maybe it's because the summer assignment for the rising sophomores that I posted online is ranked 57 of about 100,000 papers on oppapers.com in terms of popularity.</p>
<p>We has turnitin.com for like every English paper ever.</p>
<p>My APE teacher is a vigilante when it comes to plagiarism. Everything we turn in goes through one of those sites for plagiarism. If we get caught we can get anywhere from a 0 for the paper, an F for the semester, or a suspension.</p>
<p>if you really try, it's not that hard to avoid getting caught for plagiarism ;)</p>
<p>I guess it's sorta an issue at my school, but if you get caught, you're screwed. So I don't think most people bother with it...</p>
<p>By taking another's essay and doing a massive paraphrase and restructuring, you should not get caught.</p>
<p>Usually I get stuck in the research phase or what to write down for the first paragraph. Those essay sites really help.</p>
<p>it wasnt really a problem at my high school. but u gotta admit, uve all done it at one time or another.</p>
<p>It is really bad at my school, but oh well. Those who do it are not in the top percent, because at my school, cheaters never win. </p>
<p>However, I have cheated before and been caught. I did it for this report in Biology during Freshman year. My teacher told me never to do it again, because it can ruin the rest of your life. I took her advice and have not done it again. I was/am/will be so lucky that she did not turn me over to the administators.</p>
<p>Semi-bad. Not a real major thing, but happens occasionally.</p>
<p>I don't personally plaigiarize, ok, I used to, and I've never been caught - and even if I do I probably never will. It's not that difficult to pull one off, although I stopped doing it since 8th grade.</p>
<p>I've been caught a few times in high school. Who cares...</p>
<p>Cheating is a big problem at my high school, but usually it isn't plagiarism. Or at least it wasn't in my classes. If anyone does it at all, they do it from books and not from websites. We don't turn things in to turnitin but I know that our teachers have programs that can check that sort of stuff pretty easily.</p>
<p>Plagiarism is definitely big around here. Most of the teachers don't even care/notice, even though they require sources, but I've had a few good teachers that can read through BS. I have actually seen students in the library cut and paste entire paragraphs from wikipedia verbatim without even bothering to rearrange the words. I remember laughing with a teacher one day as I typed in the first sentence of almost every oral report as it was being given and knew their whole presentation word for word. It was sad that it worked with more than half the class. We don't use turnitin.com at school, though FLVS does.</p>
<p>I've never plagiarized. I'm the type that would feel extremely guilty after.</p>
<p>At my school, this year two kids blatantly plagiarized their graduation speeches. By the way, one is going to Stanford and the other to Duke.</p>
<p>I think that there is a fair amount of plagerism at mine. I've "kind of" done it before, but not to the full extent off cpy paste, ore just rearange ideas to fit my topc.</p>
<p>reply to “two kids blatantly plagiarized their graduation speeches. By the way, one is going to Stanford and the other to Duke.”</p>
<p>Students under the tremendous “trophy child”/“must be number one in their class” are just as likely to cheat as struggling students. </p>
<p>A friend’s D, at Deerfield Academy, developed a system of coded dots in specific lines and in the footers of her papers, to be able to prove that the original work that she did was really hers’ (and on occasion prove that the work that others submitted was hers as well.) And wouldn’t you know it, she had to use the same defensive technique at Brown as well. Electronic files are hacked on the school server, and students cruise or change electronic files of others in their class or in classes from previous semesters. </p>
<p>Why down load from the web, when you can download from the Ivy’s server.</p>
<p>We don’t really have it here. The teachers know who’s good and who isn’t.</p>