Platform for C and C++

<p>I use Eclipse for Java, and I'm trying to learn C and C++.
I heard there was a version of Eclipse for C/C++, but anyone know where to download a platform for C and C++?
I know there are several, but any recommendations?
Im too lazy to search right now.</p>

<p>Which OS do you run? I personally use Visual Studio (Microsoft distributes a free IDE + compiler called Visual C++ Express), but many people I know use G++ and Emacs.</p>

<p>I would suggest dev-c++.</p>

<p>For OS, I use windows vista</p>

<p>What does your school prefer? A Windows environment or a Linux environment. Some schools and professors really frown on using Windows, even for homework assignments. My son told me that one of his previous professors gave zeroes for labs if there was an indication that Windows was used.</p>

<p>If your professor or school favors Windows, then go with Visual C/C++ as part of Visual Studio. You can download the Express Editions from Microsoft but they also have a program called DreamSparks where college students can download the professional version of their tools for free. They also allow you to download Windows Server (might be good for VMs off of Linux or Mac OSX) and a bunch of other tools.</p>

<p>If your school or professors prefer the GNU environment, then you should install the GNU tools. I think that the most popular way to do this is to go with CYGWIN which attempts to give you the Unix/GNU environment in the MS-DOS command window. People in the Unix/GNU environment typically use mostly character cell tools like emacs and vi to edit and debug. Most people (at least where I work) don't use a fancy development environment like Visual Studio or Eclipse for development, it's just vi, emacs, xemacs and gdb.</p>