<p>asian female
california resident
gpa: 3.95 UW 4.65W
rank: 4/572 (top 1%)
SAT: 2050 (cr630, w670, m750) retaking in nov
sat2: 750 math iic, 720chem</p>
<p>honors/awards: NHS, national merit commended, ap scholar, recommended for the following achievement awards- math (9,11), english (11), social science (10), service to school (9), academic letter (11)
ec: CSF (4years, vice prez); Key club:KIWIN'S-historian (currently), sec for 2 years, spirit chair for 1 year; FCA;golf& swim for 2 years-jv (first place in league for swim in 100yards IM); academic decathlon- 2 years; volunteering at church with people with disabilities since junior year; mission trips to mexico (to jails and farm areas); LEO club- sec, senior class historian, tutoring neighbors who struggle with english..
jobs: summer of freshman and sophomore year at a restaurant</p>
<p>current classes:
ap physics, ap gov/econ, ap calc ab, ap lit</p>
<p>ap's taken: chem (4), ush (4), music theory (3)</p>
<p>i got elc for ucdavis, ucirvine, and ucriverside.. i'll be applying to ucsd, ucla, ucberkeley, and i know it's out-of-my-league but johns hopkins, washington u in st louis, and upenn.. </p>
<p>i'm fine with brutally honest answers haha, so PLEASEEEE chance me! Thanks in advance!</p>