<p>Q:Share an experience from your high school years through which you have gained respect for intellectual, social, or cultural differences.</p>
<p>Coming to the USA was a cultural shock to me. Everything from the food, the school system, the life style were totally different to me. I did not find it hard for me to adapt myself to the American culture but on the other hand I did not let my new adaptation change me totally because I also shared my different and unique culture with the people that I came in contact with. During the time that I spent in the ESL program, I met many students with different background. My ESL class was composed of all Hispanic students with different country of origin. However I found out that most of them did not know about each others culture. I also met people that came from countries that I was not aware of. Sometimes I felt like was in some type of worldwide event because I was surrounded by smart, bilingual, multiracial people that I think that I would have never met if I had not came to the USA. I see myself as being flexible but not breakable because I was able to adapt myself to a new culture by learning from theirs and by also transmitting my own.</p>