Please chance a rising junior - will chance back!

<p>Hi guys, I'm currently a rising junior, and I was wondering if you guys could help me out by looking at what I've done and what I plan on doing.</p>

<p>I hope to go to Penn as my first choice...Pre-med with psychology as my major.</p>

<p>Asian Male
Top 100 School Last Year - Public
Gifted Program
Class Rank: Top 2%
Cumulative UW: 3.96 Cumulative Weighted: 4.71</p>

<p>Freshmen Year:
Gifted Trig
Gifted Sophomore English
PE (req'd)
Concert Band
Gifted Chem
Chinese 3

<p>I received a total of 1, UW: 3.93 W:4.5 </p>

<p>Sophomore Year: (thus far, and I'm now a IB diploma candidate)
Gifted Precalc
IB Chinese 4
Health 1st semester - Gifted Theory of Knowledge (2nd)
IB Music Theory
IB SL Physics
IB/AP English 10</p>

<p>UW: 4.0 W: 4.85</p>

<p>Gifted Precalc
IB Chinese 4
Gifted Theory of Knowledge (2nd)
IB Music Theory
IB SL Physics
IB/AP English 10</p>

<p>UW: 4.0 W: 5.0</p>

<p>Junior Year:
IB/AP Calc
Ib/AP 11 English
TOK - then racket sports (fill PE req)
IB Physics HL
IB Chinese 5

<p>If i manage to get all A's and maybe 1 B, should be fine right?</p>

<p>Senior Year: (projected by the principal)
Psych 101 and bio?psych 202 from the local university (a good one) comes to the school
Intro to Comm and Intro to Short Story Writing
Ib/Ap Environmental Sciences
Ib/Ap AP Chem
Last two periods will be filled by internships that the school helps arrange</p>

<p>Test Scores:
SAT I. CR: 690 M: 660 W: 590 (this is a mock test that i didn't study for, obviously i will be taking prep classes to boost this)</p>

<p>SAT II. USH - 750</p>

<p>APWH: 5 on the test</p>

<p>Many more to come =] =[</p>

<p>Extra Currics:
Track and XC Freshmen Year
XC Soph Year, I lettered - will do track and xc for the rest of high school. plan to letter from now on.
Band, 5 years (includes marching band where we play in the macy's day parade etc)
Piano, 10 years
National Honor Society
Volunteering at the local hospital
Volunteering at the local science center
Various other services such as food banks etc.
Business Week - Company Leader, 2nd place
IB Student Council
Received recognition for "humanity" at school.</p>

<p>I think I need more leadership?</p>

<p>Thoughts? Suggestions?</p>


<p>Looks good kid. Keep it up. Just make sure you find a way to stand out.</p>

<p>If you boost your scores on the standardized tests I think you will have a good shot at penn considering the focus of some of your EC’s on the science/health sector since your going into pre-med. Schools like to see that type of focus/passion for a particular thing in your EC’s. Keep it up. </p>

<p>Could you chance me?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Improve that SAT score and get more leadership- your grades and course load are solid but you need to make balance it all out to set yourself apart from the kids with just good grades. You’re on the right track and should be pretty competitive when the time comes to apply.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks guys! I’ll make sure to do something noteworthy!</p>

<p>Chances are coming…It’ll take a bit!</p>