Please chance a trilnugal, semi-subpar score student

<p>Could you please chance me for Columbia ED? Also, feel free to tell me how I can improve/any tips you have for me. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks ahead of time! What about if I applied RD chance-wise?</p>

<p>Here are my stats:
-rank somewhere in the top 10 of my class out of ~700, not exactly sure where though
-4.0 uw gpa, 4.8333 w
- 29 ACT, this is where the problem is. I got a 30+ in each section except I had about a
fifth of the science section to go so I only got a 25 there bringing all of my 30+s down.
Of course I will be retaking and plan to do some hardcore studying (any tips for the
science section, anyone?) Will Columbia see each section? I wish I could put an asterisk by science that says I'm not majoring in science, lol
-all honors and AP with 6 APs senior year alone so definitely most rigorous sched. possible
and even out of everybody else too
- first generation and fluent in 2 languages, moderate in a 3rd</p>

<p>ECs are okay I think, nothing spectacular really:
- Secretary of Spanish Club (going for president this year)
- Link Crew Leader- freshman mentor
-Cleveland Zoo volunteer
-Girls State delegate
-job at a grocery store
-first chair of my section in orchestra (but I had to quit because of scheduling
-I might begin volunteering at a hospital and children's home if accepted as a
-have done costumes for the school play
- LOTS of babysitting as I had to take care of my younger brother and the house
everyday after school until 1 am since my parents worked weird shifts during 9th and
10th grade which is why I don't have that great of ECs but apparently colleges love
this kind of stuff?
- I write a political blog but idk if this counts as an EC</p>

<p>I think I pretty much covered everything. I want to study gov/IR.
p.s. Please don't suggest I take the SAT in lieu of the ACT b/c the vocab section intimidates me on the SAT as English isn't my first language, and I think it'll be easier to improve a test I'm familiar with rather than learn a whole new test but I'd really appreciate tips for the science section since that screwed me over last time, thanks! Also, what do you think my chances will be if I get to at least a 31 composite?</p>

<p>EDIT: Totally butchered the word "lingual" in the title, my apologies.</p>

<p>I know that you just told me not to recommend this, but take the SAT. I know the vocab section may intimidate you, but it is not a major portion of the test. However, the most important reason to take it is that you have nothing to loose. If your SAT scores end up being inferior to your ACT scores, then you need not send them to Columbia. Yet, you just might find that your fears are unfounded, and that your SAT ends up being much (or slightly) higher than your ACT. Problem solved. I would be not at all surprised if this is the case.</p>

<p>I also think your fears of “whole new test” are a bit unfounded; though the material is different (e.g. science section), the types of questions on math, verbal ect. are fairly similar to those on the ACT. Basically, you have nothing to loose by taking the SAT, and you have much to gain.</p>

<p>Other than that, though your EC’s are a bit lackluster, you could have a compelling hook with your first-gen status and 3 language fluency. Are you URM?</p>

<p>And btw, what blog do you write?</p>

<p>Yeah, I know they are a bit lackluster but I had to take care of my brother and the house for two years, I hope that doesn’t hurt me. And unfortunately, I am not a URM, I wish, it’d make life easier lol and I write a blog on wordpress.</p>

<p>retake the ACT</p>

<p>Of course. Let’s say I get a 31/32, what do you guys think my chances are then and now?</p>

<p>yeah my ecs are lackluster for the same reason except it was my sister and it was my entire high school career (deep sigh), if you go to and search for the colleges you’re considering they show the SAT and the ACT score ranges for the students that they accepted so that’ll definitely help :)</p>

<p>Aw. If you don’t mind me asking blufooted booby (love the name btw!) how’d you do in the admissions process? Do you think it affected you? How did you explain your situation?</p>

<p>Thanx :slight_smile: Well I’m a rising senior so I’m starting this hectic admissions process as of now (campus visits, sat subject tests to study for, ed apps, etc). And about my situation I was told to explain it (my dedication to my family) in my essay or in a separate letter. Or maybe under work experience I’ll put taking care of newborn sister, daily household chores, clerical work for family business. The thing is I never received monetary payment for any of those things so it is possible that I’m just as confused as you are. Yeah I’m applying ED to Columbia too. I hope we make it!</p>

<p>If you’ve never done full practice tests for the SAT do one and see how it goes, you might be surprised.</p>

<p>Your ECs aren’t remarkable, but honestly I think some people have a very skewed view of what good ECs are. A lot of people I knew at Columbia didn’t have great ECs at all (I myself didn’t really do all that much in HS besides a few clubs and some sports…I didn’t play in college). Knock your essay out of the park and you have a decent shot.</p>