PLEASE Chance an In-state student

<p>major: Aerospace or Pre-med...i know 2 very different things BUT i have time to decide</p>

<p>SAT: 2020 (650CR, 720M, 650W, 10E)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): Freshman (3.33) Sophomore (3.71) Junior (4) Overall: 3.68
Weighted GPA: Freshman (3.33) Sophomore (4.0) Junior (4.71) Overall: 4.01
AP (grade on Exam): Computer Science (1) World History (5) Statistics (4) Chemistry (4) U.S. History (5) English (4)
Total Number of AP's (not including senior year) : 6
Senior Course load: all AP with 1 honor class
Extracurricular: Chess Club, Computer Club, Debate Team, French Club, Model U.N., National Honor Society, Science Honor Society, Science Olympiad, Lots of Community Service at Local Hospital
Awards: 3rd Place at Science Fair Regional (10th), 1st Place Science Fair Regional (11th)
State: Virginia
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Indian
Gender: Male
Hooks : First Generation, how in India we started a organization that teaches young children about the western lifestyle and tries molding them into good citizens (i teach every summer since 8th grade)</p>

<p>How do I stack up to the tough competition at VT? PLEASE CHANCE ON A SCALE OF 1-10, WITH 1 BEING "NO SHOT"</p>

<p>thanks you guys</p>

<p>Looks good to me - 9 or 10. Good luck!</p>

<p>Don’t major in ‘pre-med.’ If you major in something like engineering or biochemistry then you can get all the classes you need for med school and if you decide you don’t want to do med school or can’t get into one, you’ll still have career opportunities.</p>

<p>are you from Stone Bridge btw? looking from your stats and clubs, it looks like you went to my school.</p>

<p>I graduated from SBHS this year (09’)… and my stats prior to applying were:</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 3.69
SAT: 1830/2400
APs Junior Year: Psychology (4), Chemistry (3)
APs Senior Year: Computer Science, Literature, Statistics, Calculus BC, Government
ECs: Chess Club, National Honors Society, Mu Alpha Theta, various volunteering gigs
Male Asian</p>

<p>I got into VT’s engineering program… so since your stats entering senior year are far better than mine, I’m gonna go with the whim that you WILL get into VT.</p>

<p>aka: a 9 or 10.</p>

<p>I’m going the pre-med track but majoring in biology; pre-med is not a major at Tech (nor is it a major at most schools), and majoring in a science gives you more options if you change your mind.</p>

<p>You have AP scores and extracurriculars comparable to my own (my SAT score was about 160 higher). Your GPA is also lower than mine was but higher than the average for the incoming freshman class. I think you look good though, and I’d chance you at about a 9.5.</p>

<p>Also, I’m out of state, and I think it’s easier for in-state residents to be admitted, but I’m not 100% sure. Either way it’s not going to hurt that you’re in-state ;)</p>

<p>If you’re admitted and you are invited to the Honors program, definitely apply. I’m an incoming freshman this year, and the prospect of being in the excellent Honors program at Tech was how I chose VT over U of Maryland.</p>