Please chance an OCD senior

<p>I figure what the hey, just wondering what I should expect next week. I know I don't even stand a shot at probably 5 of the schools but my parents pushed me to apply anyways, so be as harsh as you want because I'm a realist. I'm really sorry to ask as I'm sure all of you are sick of these but here it goes:</p>

<p>-30 ACT but 31 superscored
-rank 3rd out of 690
-gpa 4.0uw, 4.8w
-first generation female from suburban Ohio
-speak fluent Romanian with moderate Spanish
---I figured that might help since I'm going to do International Studies
-pretty awesome rec letters, ranked as top 1% in all areas except like 3 where I was given top 5% for like confidence, I'm paranoid, haha
-ECs are not many b/c I had to take care of my younger brother since my parents worked the 2nd and 3rd shifts my freshman and soph years so no ECs for those years at all but the ones I do have now are:
-Spanish club secretary (11th) and now president
-Link Crew Leader (freshman mentor) 11,12
-Founder of AP Book Club 12
-Volunteered at the Cleveland Zoo this past summer 11-12
-Girls State Delegate- I put this under state honors though 11
-Founder of the AP Book club 12
-Write a political blog 11-12
-Mathlete 12
-Theater Costume Crew 11
-Work everyday after school Mon-Fri 5 hours (2-7pm daily) at a mortgage company on top of all APs senior year</p>

<p>Please take into consideration my location, especially for UChicago, BC, and Vassar as they are tied for my top 3 choices!
-Vassar *
-UChicago *
-Boston College *
-Boston U
-Holy Cross
-Johns Hopkins
-Carnegie Mellon
-Brown (yeah I know, no shot at these last 4... lol)</p>

<p>Sorry that's a lot! I told you I was OCD...
I've also been accepted to the following schools as a reference point:
-Northeastern EA
-Case Western EA
-Fordham LC</p>

<p>THANK YOU!</p>

<p>i don’t know about a lot of these colleges, but i’d guess you’re in for BC, NYU and Carnegie Mellon. last 4 are a reach, they would be for anyone, but you still have a chance</p>

<p>Boston College, NYU, Carnegie, BU, Chicago - probably, imo.
I don’t know enough about the others (Yale and Brown seem like reaches to me) - but let me tell you, go to where YOU want to go, not where your parents are making you go to.</p>

<p>you applied to soooo many schools! why?</p>

<p>Haha, I said I was OCD. But my parents made me apply to some, I never even thought about applying to Duke or Carnegie really until my parents brought it up like 2 weeks before the deadline. And i was spooked after an ED rejection :(</p>

<p>Anyone else? Pleaseeeee?! :)</p>

<p>sorry, but bump?</p>