Please chance for top schools!

<p>Hey everyone! College application time has come, and I'm wondering where you guys think I will be heading in the later part of 2012. I feel like my academics are okay, but my ECs aren't very strong.</p>

<p>My probable major will be either engineering (electrical - this will be the case with most schools on my list) or math.</p>


SAT: 2400 (took it twice, no superscore)
ACT: 36, took once
SAT IIs: 3 800s (Math II, Physics, Chem)
APs: 5s on Physics B, Physics C (M), Physics C (E&M), Calc BC and a 4 on Psychology (self-studied)
My senior year schedule will consist of 5 APs.</p>


<p>Math Team: I was one of the top students in my county and qualified for our state's math league tournament. I will be the captain next year.
Sci Oly: Several regional awards and an invitational's award. I also got a state gold medal in Wind Power/Physics Lab. I will be the president next year.
Math Honor Society: Community service + will be president next year
Chess Club: I will be president next year, but have no notable achievements in this.
NHS: I will be VP.
Culture Club: President next year.</p>

<p>Summer Activities:</p>

<p>9th: Went to a local college to participate in a Modelling Camp. Got a few awards.
10th:Took Precalculus H online so I could take Calc BC during the year.
11th: I am doing computational research at a lab (around 30+ hours per week). I am the history intern at the city library and am doing data entry for an online WWII project. I am also taking Linear Algebra and MVC. </p>


<p>From tutoring and the library work, I'll probably have close to 200 hours.</p>


<p>Modelling Camp awards
National Merit Commended
AP Scholar (with Distinction? I'm not sure)
School Awards
Sci Oly Awards
Not much else lol</p>

<p>I am not sure where or how far my research will go, but you never know I guess.</p>


Carnegie Mellon

<p>Thanks for reading this and I will chance back!</p>

<p>Wait are you Asian? lol</p>

<p>You’ve a pretty impressive academic resume; 2400/2400 and top 1% are quite sufficient for those top schools. However, your application is like the template of a high-scoring Asian (sorry to say). Your ECs are Math/Sci mostly; try to get involved in something that separates yourself from other Asians, like arts or sports. Another downside to your application is your lack of awards (unless “Sci Oly Awards” are international level Science awards like IPO, IMO etc…). However in all, your ECs and your achievements both support your major, so maybe universities will see it as a clear goal of what you want to do with your life.</p>

<p>So just try to present yourself as unique. I heard somewhere that a bit less than 50% of 2400s so I’d say you’ll definitely make it into a few of the schools you listed.</p>

<p>If you’ve time, chance mine: [url=&lt;a href=“]Mine[/url”&gt;]Mine[/url</a>]</p>

<p>whats your gpa/list of grades in toughest classes</p>

<p>You have excellent sats and summer activities. I think like deviant said, you are prototypical but you will have many great options and you should be accepted to many of he schools you suggested. Honestly, with your skills you have great chances. </p>

<p>Thanks and chance back,
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hey guys, thanks for responding, and I chanced back. I am of Indian ethnicity. If 50% of people with a similar SAT score get into a good college, I certainly think that is some sort of relief. In my AP B class, I finished with a 95%, and for Physics C and Calc BC I had a 100%. In English honors, i had a 95%. Overall, my unweighted average is 95%. Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>wow a 2400 and a 36, Only on CC would these be okay academics… But anyway you are either in or have a really good shot for the upper level ivies. Try to make yourself unique!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Your stats are basically perfect, but you have weak ECs and you’re international. Try to cure cancer or something your senior year, maybe that will guarantee your admission to Harvard.</p>

<p>No, but seriously, you’ll probably get into one of those schools.</p>

<p>Sorry I should clarify: My parents are of Indian ethnicity, but I am a US citizen.</p>