PLEASE chance me and I promise to chance you back!

<p>I scored 2390 in the October SAT
M 790
W 800 (Essay 10)
CR 800
This was my second attempt</p>

<p>I'm taking the SAT II for History, Physics, Chemistry and Math II</p>

<p>I had 15 IGCSEs:
Add Maths A
Physics A*
Chemistry A*
Maths A*
Biology A*
English A*
Literature A*
Economics A*
Commerce A*
Business Studies A*
Economics A*
Environmental Management A*
and 3 other A*s in a language and two regional subjects (I'm an international student)</p>

<p>I had the highest marks in THE WORLD in 3 of these IGCSEs and was awarded by the Cambridge board.</p>

<p>I have 6 courses in my A levels and my transcript is all As and A*s since the beginning for Grade 9.
I study on a 100% academic scholarship.</p>

<p>I've been ranked number 1 in my batch of 284 students and am ranked in the top 3 of my school's 21 year history.</p>

I'm President of the debates club in my school and have won a host of competitions both on a school and university level, including many Intervarsity tournaments (IVs). I've also been best speaker at a few.
I'm currently part of the top 8 debaters in the country and was reserve/alternate for my country's team for this year's World Schools Debating Competition. (WSDC)
I also have a real chance of making it to the team this year.</p>

<p>I am the co-founder and editor of my school's newsletter
I was declared to have the 19th best mental math in the world when I was 14</p>

<p>The concept of ECs in my country is very different so I may have done a lot of stuff that we don't consider ECs but most Americans do. Like the fact that I've managed many student council events</p>

<p>I have 3 recommendations. One from my Chemistry teacher who rates me very highly, one from my economics teacher and one from the coach of the national debating team.</p>

<p>PLEASE chance me for:


<p>youre a genius</p>

<p>please chance me and I will chance back with whatever limited knowledge I have!</p>

<p>Why the **** do people like you post chance threads?</p>

<p>In everywhere!</p>

<p>you are obviously smart, but what have you done that is significant? maybe write good essays and youll get in, but otherwise im not quite as optimistic as the others</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>tests scores are amazing.
im pretty sure you’ll get in everywhere
chance back?</p>