Hi! I am currently a highschool senior from New Jersey and I would really like to know my chances of acceptance for Drexel University.
I am an Asian male from a competitive public highschool and plan to apply regular decision. I am applying for Biomedical Engineering.
3.51/4 weighted GPA (school doesn’t report unweighted)
32 ACT (35 English 34 Reading 29 math 30 science 8 essay)
4 years of lacrosse (we are nationally ranked)
Extensive missions trips in Nicaragua and the ghettos of New Jersey.
2 summers of interning for a law firm
1 year of wrestling
4 years of Stock Market club (member)
4 years of key club (member)
2 years of national music honors society
1 year of select after school orchestra program
Out of all my classes, I have been LEAST successful in my STEM classes throughout high school (Mostly B’s and C’s). So I’m not sure if i can get accepted into the Biomedical Engineering program. I would be thankful if I could hear feedback on what you think my chances of acceptance are. Thanks!
Hi again! I think you have a 90% chance in getting in. Now depending on your major (Biomedical Engineering) will go down to looking into specific courses (I’m guessing Physics,Chem, Bio, Math) and how well you did in those. Good luck!
@StevoMeepo I finished with a C in honors bio, B in regular Chem, and B+ in regular physics.
For math I finished with a C+ in geometry, A- in Algebra 2, C in precalculus, and I currently have a C in Calculus… Do I still have a good chance?
@Sexyaznninja I think the fact that having Cs in your math courses might weaken your chances since engineering applicants all have very strong grades in advanced math courses. It might be tougher just considering that idea, but really go for it! They might offer you some type of “core program” where you do general studies for 1-2 years before switching to the major you want (in your case, biomedical engineering). So check if Drexel has a general studies department and maybe tackle that as your second option. Good luck! 
@ClarinetDad16 3.51/4 weighted and my school does not rank. But I am definitely in the top 50%
If Drexel is your dream perhaps you would be best served with a year at a local college and knock out the prerequisites first. Your profile is below their standards for admission.