Please Chance Me for Colleges


  • US domestic *
  • State/Location of residency: Virginia
  • Type of high school: Catholic
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity: Female, White
  • Other special factors: N/A

Intended Major(s): Econ, but for colleges that allow it I submitted into College of A&S as undecided

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: my school didn’t give us official ones but I would assume it would be around 3.85ish.
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.45
  • Class Rank: n/a
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1400 SAT (750 English/ 650 Math)

(AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores for high school; also include level of math and foreign language reached and any unusual academic electives; for transfers, describe your college courses and preparation for your intended major(s))

  • 11 AP classes
    -4 years of foreign language
    -highest math reached AP Calc AB


  • NHS
    -5 academic honor societies
    -AP scholar with honor

-4 yr varsity runner and captain
-part time job
-co-chair of large fundraiser my school does
-VP of honor society at school


  • I definitely don’t think my essays were like AMAZING but I don’t think they were bad either so idk.


  • UVA (ED I)
  • Clemson (EA)
  • Boston College (ED II if I don’t get into UVA)
  • Northeastern (EA)
  • UMich (EA)
  • Virginia Tech (EA)
  • JMU
  • William and Mary
  • College of Charleston (EA)
  • Cornell
  • Notre Dame (legacy)
  • Boston U (EA)
  • UMiami (EA)
  • Villanova (EA)
  • Wake Forest

I def have a lot of reaches but tbh I really have no idea which schools I have a shot at/which I don’t. Thanks!!

What is your safety school…one that you like, that is affordable and where you have a very high likelihood of acceptance? James Madison?

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Based on your interest in studying economics and your indicated geographical range, you might want to add a school such as Holy Cross, which offers an excellent economics program: Economics rankings: US Economics Departments at Liberal Arts Colleges | IDEAS/RePEc.

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If you’re happy with and can afford every school on the list, you won’t have issues.

At Charleston, you should look at the Charleston Fellows program (must apply to Honors College).

I think JMU and Charleston are highly likely and next Clemson.

Did you look at CNU?

What is Xavier? Xavier in Cincy? You have it sub bulleted.

Good luck.

Currently my safeties are Xavier, College of Charleston and JMU

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Can chance with a few S21 was a little higher 4.75GPA 3.98UW 1480 SAT Lots of Honor Societies and Clubs with leadership and internship
Clemson admitted Honors very good merit
Virginia Tech admitted small merit
Villanova admitted Honors with merit
UMiami admitted with merit
Wake Forest Waitlisted


Yes, Xavier University in Ohio!

I saw - so again, it’s my opinion - and I’m not an AO - but you get in at JMU, C of C and Xavier (you had it sub bulleted).

Miami will be a deferral and not sure. W&M if there’s an in state bump - maybe? Clemson after your three safeties.

Have you looked at CNU?

Good luck.

UPDATE: ok so far I’ve heard back from Xavier (admitted Rolling Decision) and Clemson (admitted Early Action). Nervously waiting for UVA, but tbh I’ve already come to terms with the fact that I’ll probably get deferred :frowning:


Good luck. Did you submit scores? Last year DS with 1550 (790 math), NMF, 4.0 unweighted (98/100 with nothing below a 93), Rigor (took BC Calc as a Junior; 7 APs, but couldn’t take any til 11th grade in our district), good ECs, got into Cornell (RD), Michigan (“postponed” EA but got in RD) but was waitlisted at Northeastern (after being deferred EA). My instinct is your scores are too low for Cornell and Michigan, but if you didn’t submit them that is a different calculation, I think. I didn’t think BU has early action. Am I incorrect? Keep us posted.


  • accepted into College of Charleston Honors College with $56k scholarship
  • also accepted to Clemson with scholarship (still waiting for exact amt. and honors college decision)
  • accepted Xavier with $100k scholarship
  • deferred UVA (long shot but oh well)
    still waiting to hear from most schools, will keep you updated!

Congrats. Can’t speak to the others but if you get invited to the C of C interview weekend for the Fellows program, there could be even more $$.

Congrats to you - you’ve already got fantastic options.


Thanks for the updates. They’re always very much appreciated!


UPDATE: accepted into Boston College EDII!!! So excited and glad to put an end to this horribly stressful experience &&& to be an Eagle for life!!


Congratulations!! Thanks for sharing your final decision and wishing you the best at BC!

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