<p>SAT: M-790 CR-760 W-780
SAT II's: Chemistry: 780 Math II: 770
GPA: 94.5 (I go to a tough school...Stuyvesant)
Essays: Very Good
Teacher Recs: 1 is great other one should be okay<br>
Counselor Rec: Should be excellent
Ethnicity: South Asian
State: New York (NYC)
Gender: Male
Extracurriculars/Other Crap:
Science Olympiad - Chemistry (Forensics) State Finalist
ARISTA Member - National Honors Society (Volunteered/Tutored alot)
117 Hours Volunteering an a Hospital Abroad
President of Schoool Club Where We Volunteer At Hospitals
Work at my school's Chemistry Lab (for free during lunch period)
National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist...lol -_-</p>
<p>I hope to go into Biomedical Engineering if I am admitted. I feel my essay is strong and my guidance counselor recommendation should be really really good. Thanks very much for your time :)</p>
<p>By the way, course load was pretty rigorous:
AP World - 4 AP English Literature - 3 AP Comparative Government - 3
AP Government - 5 AP Chem - 5
This year, I am taking:
AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP Macro/Micro Economics</p>
<p>Your scores are really good and all - but honestly I can’t tell how you stand out from the crowd.</p>
<p>I do know Stuy is a very prestigious school but being an Asian male in NYC is a bit of a gamble</p>
<p>You might get in, the “3s” on your AP scores stick out in what would otherwise be flawless as far as numbers. 94 is good for Stuy, what is your rank?</p>
<p>School doesn’t do rankings. However, I think I’m in the top 10% at least.</p>
<p>To: Light Airen
Yeah I agree with you, thanks for being honest.
By the way, does being brown count as asian? lol
Does a college differentiate between the two? Most of the people I talk to mean to say mongoloid when they are referring to “Asians.”</p>
<p>south asian = asian. I think you have a decent to good shot ED, RD it will be more difficult to convince them that you truly belong at Columbia. You are definitely qualified enough academically, but nothing about your app really screams to an admissions officer that you will grab opportunity by the throat at Columbia. Given your gpa at stuy and sat scores, you definitely seem to have what it takes to succeed academically at Columbia.</p>
<p>u sure u were finalist at states? we didnt have any finalists for forensics at states soph or junior year. positive of that
President of Schoool Club Where We Volunteer At Hospitals what is this club called?</p>
<p>He got in. xD</p>
<p>This kid doesn’t know that I know who he is, though. Classmates, shh.</p>