Please chance me for Computer Science Major at these California Universities


Looking for input for my nephew. What are his chances?

His stats are:
SAT: 1300/1600
Unweighted GPA: 3.19
Weighted GPA: 3.48
Weighted and Capped GPA: 3.48
Rigorous Honors courses in HS
Strong essays
Average ECs
California resident in NorCal.

He is applying for Computer Science Major to these schools:



Santa Clara U

Thank you very much.

UCR: Match-High Match
UCSC: High Match-Low Reach

Although your SAT score is within range for the UC’s, UC GPA is below the 25th percentile for all.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79 (capped weighted) and not major specific:
UCD: 15%
UCSB: 14%
UCI: 13%
UCSC: 59%
UCR: 78%
UCM: 92%

Other than SLO, all the rest of the CSU’s use the Eligibility index to rank applicants by major. Your EI is 4084 but you are applying to an impacted major at the majority of the CSU’s, so you need to more competitive.

SLO: High Reach (SLO acceptance rate for CS <10% with average GPA of 4.16 and SAT of 1467)
SJSU: Reach (last year’s EI threshold was 4500 for CS)
SDSU: High Match-Low Reach (Minimum EI of 4100+ to be competitive)
CSULB: Match-High Match (EI of 4000+ to be competitive if not local)
SFSU: Low Match

LMU: High Match
SCU: Low Reach

Best of luck to your nephew and hope he loves his safeties.

Thank you very much Gumbymom. I really appreciate your input.

I think UCR is the only UC on your list where you have much of a shot and, even that’s a 50/50.

CPP,CSULB, CSUF. SFSU. SSU and CSUEB will probably accept you.

I also think you have a fair shot at LMU.

That gives you several very good schools to chose from.

Enjoy the process and, good luck.

Thank you very much NCalRent. I really appreciate your assessment.

Of the 8 schools that you have mentioned, how would you rank them in terms of the quality of education in CS and job prospects of their graduates?

it matters less than you think, especially for CS. Any will give you a credible degree with demonstrable, in demand skills. Each has individual merit. Let me highlight the top reason you might chose that one (in my mind anyhow) from each.

UCR has the UC Brand - known globally as an outstanding academic institution.
CPP Shares the Cal Poly ‘learn by doing’ philosophy and Brand which is very close in renown with UCs.
CSULB - Great reputation and tight links to the LA job market. Also, has Beach in it’s name, how bad could it be?
Fullerton is Long Beach without Beach in the name.

SF and EB are both surrounded by the Bay Area tech scene - probably the most vibrant on the planet (internships and jobs galore). Many of their faculty work in the field locally so, their experience is super current and super relevant.
SSU is an anomaly among the CSU system. it is small, very residential and kinda like going to a private school - without the private school bill.

LMU is a smaller private school, there is a reason it costs more than a CSU. The student/faculty ratio and dynamic is completely different than at a public school. You won’t have to add your student number on your essays and your prof is likely to remember your name early in the semester.

All are viable options and those are far from the only reason to chose one over another. Spend some time on each campus. I think your choice will quickly become clear.

Thank you very much NCalRent for your great insights into these very fine institutions. Your recommendations are very helpful. And thanks a lot for taking the time to respond.

happy to help