Please chance me for Howard U

Please be honest…I have no idea if they might accept me based on my stats
Major: Philosophy and minor in a language
SAT: 1190 (ik it’s so bad i get really bad anxiety and freeze up when i take tests like these)
GPA: my school doesn’t do gpa but my grade is 89.8/100
I’ve taken 5 APs, 9 honors, and 4 dual enrollment and another 4 next semester to make a total of 8
My recommendations are (most likely) really strong since I asked my favorite teachers and they love me
Activities: social media manager of a club, started my own non profit, internship at a law firm, and in about 4 other clubs, National Honor Society member, volunteer at my church, etc.
For my essays i’m pretty sure they’re super strong since i’m really good at writing essays. I talked about how I’m an immigrant, the people in my family as many of them donate to communities in Africa and stuff like that.
I thought I had a solid chance but ik my SAT is really low and i’m not sure what my chances are because of it. Please help me out!!! Thank you xo

Hey @zxqueenxz, I don’t do chance threads, but you can look at some things common to previous Howard classes. For the Howard class of 2023, the average UW GPA was 3.60, the average SAT score was 1210, and the class had a 36% acceptance rate (Howard link to class profile below). You are definitely in the ballpark and you hopefully closed the deal with a great essay to supplement your stats and extracurricular activities. No one on CC can definitively say one way or the other, but I am wishing you good luck and please let us know how things turn out.