<p>I would like to go to the SHC, but I know it's really competitive. Do you think I would have a chance here? (My essays probably won't be amazing since I am only an okay writer?)</p>
<p>Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Rank: N/A School doesn't rank
SAT: 2270 (750 CR, 740 M, 780 W)
SAT II: 800 (US Hist), 780 (Bio M)
National Merit Semifinalist
APs: European History 5, Biology 5, US History 5 AP Scholar
Senior Courseload: AP Calc AB, AP Econ, AP Japanese, AP Physics</p>
School newspaper editor
Language Honors Society officer
Community Service Club officer
Literary Magazine
Amnesty International
Art Club
Tutor (Math, Japanese)
National Honors Society
PJAS Science Competition - 1st States for a bio project
Study Abroad Experience
Musical Instrument (10yrs)
Language School (10yrs)</p>
<p>Some volunteer experience outside of school, but mostly concentrated on after-school activities</p>