Please Chance me for SLO Comp Sci

Thanks in advance for any input. I am thinking of applying to SLO for Computer Science and I think I have a very good chance, but all these threads make me nervous.

GPA - 4.0 unweighted, 4.25 capped SLO 9-11 (16 classes plus 4 counted AP). Actually took 11 AP including CSA (5), Physics 1 (5), Calc AB (5), Lit (5), World (4). Currently taking 5 including BC.
A-G - I think I max out on the old MCA at 750. A - 3years, B- 4, C-6, D -5, E-3, F-1
Work experience 15-19/week, not related to major
EC - 5 hours/week, no leadership

Any input on my chances would be appreciated as well as other recommendations on where to apply, but I’m not interested in UC (too big!)

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I would say you are in the ball park to be a competitive applicant but SLO had around a 9% acceptance rate for CS Fall 2022. SLO will be a Reach school but possible.

Are you a Junior or Senior since many school deadlines for EA/ED have since passed?

Do you want to stay in California?
San Jose State, San Diego State, CSU Long Beach and Cal Poly Pomona would be good options for CS.

Several private universities such as Stanford, Santa Clara, USC, Harvey Mudd and Cal Tech.

CS is impacted and competitive at most colleges however, you do not need to go to a top ranked college for CS since it is a highly marketable degree.

Out of State suggestions would be Arizona State, University of Arizona, University of Washington-Seattle, University of Utah etc…

Take a look at the WUE schools: Save On College Tuition | Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)

The skies the limit on CS schools but what is your budget/year?


Thank you so much for the response. I am also thinking about SJSU, CPP and Humboldt. I don’t have the money for a private or out of state.
I’m surprised I would be considered a reach as I’m not sure what more I could have done academically. It must be my lack of ECs?

EDIT - I am a Senior and have my CSU apps all ready to go, just waiting for my next paycheck to submit.

Highly likely. There were people admitted last year with similar stats. Beyond that, hard to say as every year is different.

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Last year they had 6784 applicants for 210 CS spots. Since they accept more students than actually enroll, I estimated the admit rate was approximately 33% or 630 applicants which makes it around a 9% admit rate. They do not specifically publish their admit rate by major.

You are competitive but so are the majority of applicants. I have seen students admitted to UC Berkeley and Stanford but not to SLO. Unless you are local and get priority, SLO is far from a sure thing so you need to apply widely. You have done extremely well and you will succeed no matter where you end up enrolling.


Are you a first generation college student? If so, your chances will go up.

No I am not :frowning:

I know multiple 2022 applicants with very similar stats to OP, plus ECs like Robotics Club leadership, and they did not get admitted into SLO CS (or did not get off the waitlist.)

The OP’s high work experience hours are the only big difference I see compared to those applicants, but I still agree that it’s a solid Reach for well-qualified OP.

OP, you might want to look at SLO’s Software Engineering curriculum to see if it interests you. The major allows a wide array of electives so you can focus on particular CS areas with those electives.

I don’t know the admit rates for SE in 2022 (@Gumbymom can help), but I think it was slightly higher than CS in 2021 - something like 14%. Hard to predict what the trend will be for this year, though.

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SLO’s Software Engineering approximate admit rate using the same 33% admit formula was around 11% for Fall 2022.

My advice is always apply to your first choice major.


First gen has no bearing at CP. Only having one or two parents that didn’t finish HIGH SCHOOL does. That’s assuming the algorithm is the same as it was in ‘13.

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You say you cannot afford an OOS or private - but that is not true in this sense - you may go OOS for less than in-state.

For example, look at the respected U of Alabama Huntsville since you want smaller, not larger. Do you have a test? If so, your tuition could be dirt cheap.

There are other examples - mid size, larger, etc.

Also, you cannot afford private. Does your family have need? If so, there are schools that will meet full need.

You may have a lot more affordable (depending on your budget) options than you realize.

Let us know if you have a test or not - I know for CSU you don’t but hopefully you took and excelled anyway.

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Thank you for the response. I have no test scores since I was only planning to apply in state. All I have are my AP scores.

You should check out Utah for CS as a safety. They have a strong CS program and generous merit. Plus, with some effort you can get instate tuition after your first year and keep some of your merit award. For high stats Californians it ends up about half of the UCs.

To close out this thread…I was not accepted to Cal Poly SLO for computer science. I got into CPP, SJSU and Humboldt. Also rejected to SDSU lol.

Have you made a decision on which school you will be attending?

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Congratulations! You got in! A lot of students wish they were in your shoes!
Where will you be attending?

Congrats! Those are 3 GREAT options.

Thanks for coming back to update us. Good luck in your future.

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