Please Chance me!? maybe offer some peace for this stressed senior

SAT I (by section): 1980
SAT IIs: Chemistry 740, Math II 630
ACT w/ Writing: 30
APs: Completed: Chemistry, Calculus AB, English Language
In Progress: Gov/Econ, Stats, Bio
IBs: None
GPA: 3.67 Calculated UC GPA
Rank: School does not rank
Other stats: 3 classes taken at a local community college (a total of 10 units)
Hours: 400 community service hours</p>

ECs: Martial Arts-10 years
Cross Country- 2 years
Habitat for Humanity- 4 years, CO-Pres. 1 year
Hospital Volunteer (over 200 hours)</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: Taught Karate for 3 years
Currently working as a Tutor/Teacher at a learning center (for about four years now)
Currently working as a Restraunt Hostess as well </p>

State or Country: California
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian-Indian
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Other: My Freshman year gpa was a 2.3, it rose to a 4.1 by the end of junior year. This could either make or break me… I discussed this in my essay as well</p>


  1. Karate
  2. Hospital Volunteer
    THANKS SO MUCH! =]</p>

<p>UCLA - probably not
Cal Berkley - probably not
UCSB/UCD/UCI - likely (if in, probably due to outstanding EC’s)
UCSD - no
UCR - yes
UCSC - yes</p>

<p>It looks like it’s going to come down to your essays and your choice of major. TBH, if you pull of some sort of amazing essay, then I would say you have a small chance at UCLA or UCB. Totally no need to stress out :)</p>

<p>I’d say a pretty good shot at all the UCs lower than SD/Cal/UCLA. Those three seem unlikely but it’s not a lost cause, and it obviously doesn’t matter now since you’ve already turned in your apps. Which UCs are you hoping to go for? Your chances at Davis/Irvine/SB look fair enough.</p>

<p>I have been wanting to go to Davis or Santa Barbara for the longest time!! But yeah, it’s just waiting for college decisions to come out that is so painstaking. Do you know others with similar stats that got in?</p>

<p>Your stats are similar to mine except your Gpa is .03 higher and my SAT is 110 points higher (although I’mnot sure what a 30 on the act is). But your extracurriculars are way better than mines lol</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Oh But what schools were you accepted to?</p>

<p>Hey, I have pretty similar stats to yours, except your sat score is higher. We even had around the same Chemistry sat score and ap courses lol. However, the Math II sat score is ok, but probably not enough for Cal or UCLA. Your got really good extracurriculars and volunteer services. If you really want to go to those upper tier colleges, like UCLA or Cal, it’ll be a reach. I haven’t heard back from some of my UCs yet though, im a graduating senior also. I have ELC, which basically means i’m in the top 4% of my graduating class, I don’t know if you’re school does this too? But i did get accepted to UC Davis and UC Riverside already. If you want to go th UCSB or UC Davis, I think you have a fairly good chance with your Ecs and your huge improvement in your GPA. We won’t hear from the rest of the UCs till March, so for now you’ll have to relax pass all your classes and just stress with it when it comes along. Best of luck.</p>

<p>Thanks WorriedJrGirl (I love your username btw) but yah I’m not looking for the upper tier colleges, just focusing on Davis, Irvine or Santa Barbara… But good job on your ELC! That helps a lot, i’m pretty bummed I didn’t get it</p>