<p>White, Male, Won't qualify for Financial Aid so I didn't apply </p>
<p>Prestigious Prep School: I'm looking at the School Profile right now and I'm in the top half of my class, which isn't a walk in the park because the AVERAGE SAT is above 1200 (80th percentile Nationally). This would project out that the average student at my school would be in the top 20% of their class at the average high school, and colleges realize this. For many this is a new concept so I just thought I'd clarify. <em>Please don't take offense to this. I'm not saying an 'average' student at my school is better than someone with rank x at the average public HS, I'm just saying that the typical Grade to SAT comparison is out of sync at my school because classes are students are graded harshly.</em></p>
<p>GPA: B (Upward Trend) (4 AP/Hon cumulative)
SAT: 1410 (2080)
Essay: Strong (Mother beat breast cancer twice)
Sports: 5 Years Varsity Tennis (8th Grade+), JV Football (9th), Squash (10th), Varsity Basketball Manager (12th)
Volunteer Work: 20+ hours with a charity that raises money for Breast Cancer research through Tennis, 20+ hours Big Brother/Little Brother Program
Other: Newspaper, 2nd and 1st place in School on the American Math Contest in 9th and 10th grades respectively (didn't take it last year, but will this year)</p>
Vanderbilt (ED)
Emory (RD)
Claremont McKenna (RD)
Davidson (RD)
William and Mary (RD) oos
Wake (RD)
Tulane (EA)
U Miami (EA)
Furman (RD)
Skidmore (RD/ED2?) Legacy
Vermont (EA) oos
Ithaca (RD)</p>
<p>thanks. thats actually really helpful because i was considering just not applying there because i thought there was zero chance. it used to be my first choice school until i started to tone my choices down. and bashi... my sentiments with your thread is put yourself in the shoes of an adcom. you gave a very abbreviated version of your application, without an essay and you wowed a bunch of people to the point that they jokingly suggested you submit your life story to hollywood. as if thats not enough youve got nice scores and minority status</p>
<p>Be careful of two ED's...and didn't Vandy's ED date pass? Personally, I prefer Vandy--great all around, including weather, and your scores are within range, though GPA is low for them, but you explained that---btw, are you at MB?</p>
<p>haha its all good. What's MB? If you're asking about where i go to school... its a new england prep school, but not at the level of a choate, andover, hotchkiss and the likes. avg sat is 1210 compared to those schools up in the 1300+ range (probably not the best measure, but readily available)</p>
<p>Should probably be in at many of those places, but maybe not william and mary if out of state.(Just going off of experiences with kids at my own school though). Actually, a kid at my school got into emory ed with around those scores, or a little lower i think, so you probably have a pretty good chance there.</p>
<p>just wondering, why did you pick vanderbilt ed1 and skidmore ed2? they seem to me like very different schools... so it's interesting that they are your top 2 picks</p>
<p>skidmore probably won't be my EDII. I've put more thought into it in the last few days. The original reason was that I'm a legacy, I visited and liked it. But after I've thought about it more I think I'll get in regardless of whether I'm bound by the ED contract because I know a professor at the school who could possibly vouch for me in the event that I'm borderline, and I'd rather try my hand at a school I like better like Wake Forest.</p>