<p>Applying for Upper division transfer to CSU (possibly UC if I can finish my personal statement in time...)</p>
<p>-Race: (I see people listing this does it even matter?) Male, Taiwanese. </p>
<p>-Transferring from Pasadena city college</p>
<p>-Major: Electrical Engineering</p>
<p>-Transferable GPA: 3.036 (overall GPA 3.033) It's low I know :'(</p>
<p>EC: Not that much if any at all... Anime club, engineering club for 1 semester <em>sit-in, not registered</em>. </p>
<p>-Applying to (CSU's):
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly SLO
<p>I don’t know much about transfers, but that gpa is low. CSUs are probably more likely, SLO is a stretch. But always apply to ALL THE COLLEGES! because who knows! You’re more likely to get into harvard than win the lotto!</p>
<p>Thanks I guess. I’m just really nervous about my chances of getting into SJSU/CPP/CSULB for their engineering program
I’m applying to SLO just for the hell of it, I’m not really expecting to get accepted into SLO lol (SLO’s EE program requires Ochem which I haven’t taken) so yeah… haha.</p>
<p>Also do you know if you’re supposed to round up to the hundredths place for your gpa on the application? (3.036 -> 3.04)</p>
<p>Yeah, give it a chance anyways though. Applying always feels so discouraging, don’t let comments on here convince you out of applying to ALL those schools. Do be reasonable and find a state school you could apply to as a total backup?</p>
<p>I have back ups for my back ups if need be but I’d rather not go to those haha. Also, does the hundredths place for the GPA really matter? Say if I raise my GPA to 3.05, etc because of a GE class during winter semester (or it drops slightly lower).</p>