please chance me!!!!

<p>hi--i am interested in attending Madison, and wonder if I have what it takes. Here are my stats:</p>

<p>cumulative H.S. GPA - 3.31
class rank 109 out of 340
ACT 28 (plan to retake in June)</p>

<p>I plan to graduate with my IB diploma in June 2014.</p>

<p>Thanks for any suggestions, thoughts, etc.</p>

<p>Reach but a shot.</p>

<p>Same stats but Hispanic and full pay.</p>

<p>Does that help?</p>

<p>Hard to say until new stats for this year come out. Pretty dynamic. Still at least a reach</p>

<p>Too many variables. From my OOS high school, friends with 3.75 UW GPA and 27-28 ACT’s were rejected. As you’ll see in previous threads on this site, some candidates with 3.3 UW GPA and 26 ACT’s got in. Lot’s of variables and strength of high school seems to be important. Anyone who “Chances” you is providing a best guess.</p>

<p>Personally, I don’t believe Hispansic or full pay enters into the equation.</p>

<p>I go to an in-state high school where 40 people go to Madison every year so I can tell you what they accept. Once you get a 27 or higher ACT you’re good; anymore is just a cherry on top. GPA is usually 3.5 or higher but I still think you have a fighting chance if you had a rigorous schedule. But believe it or not, (i was surprised by this too) extracurriculars are decently important. Barely anyone got rejected from my school, but those who did had basically no activities, so make sure you have 2 or 3 things to throw on your application. Getting in OOS is definitely harder so goodluck.</p>

<p>Yeah, it all depends on whether you’re in-state. If so, then you’re probably in. If not, it’s a reach</p>

<p>Improving grades will help- your junior year gpa should be higher than your overall gpa. Rigorous courses count as well- as long as you get good grades in them.</p>