please chance me ..

<p>Hey, I am an international applicant from India. I have applied in early action at Purdue.
Sat Score: 2040(R 560 M 800 W 680)
Toefl: 102
Sat 2: M2 800 P 800
CGPA( Unweighed)
9th- 9.8
10th- 10
11th- 8.8
12th- 9.2
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Essays: Good
LOR: Good
EC: Community work(150+ hrs), Solar Heating Project( intern), NTSE scholar, SSTSE scholar, Volleyball competitions, British Council( International Project) and many more.
I have applied for fall 2015. Please chance me for Ohio state, Minnesota twin cities, UW Madison and Penn state as well.
Thanks </p>


<p>You will easily get in.</p>

<p>Hey thanks for your reply. And in other ones?</p>


<p>Almost 75 views and only one rply. Guys plss rply and I can chance you back if you want. </p>




<p>I think you’ll get in. You’re a good applicant for perdue</p>


<p>@Rag22304‌ Bro I saw you comment on one of my frnds post. (Akshat Goyal for Computer Science) So can you pls chance me my stats are given above.
Thanks in advance </p>

<p>You are in. Purdue accepts a lot of international students so thats a plus. Chance me back pls</p>

<p>@kimdy0‌ Thank You. Fingers crossed for results, please send me the link so that I can chance you back. </p>

<p>You should get accepted to all of those schools.</p>

<p>Thanks @stepay‌
I am relieved now.</p>

<p>you are Getting acceptance letters from all those schools bruh</p>

<p>@Rag22304‌ Thank You brother.
I can relax now. </p>

<p>Thank You People. I am officially a Boilermaker now. </p>