Please Chance Me!! :)

Hi! So, here are my stats. I’m going to be a senior this year In-State.

GPA Unweighted: 3.8something* (asking my counselor to email me back with an accurate GPA)
I have taken a few Honors classes and have taken 3 AP classes (will be taking 2 in senior year to bring my total up to 5)

ACT Composite: 30
ACT English: 34
ACT Math: 26
ACT: Science: 26
ACT: Reading: 32

Extra-Curricular Activities:
Name It, Claim It, Stop It (an anti-bullying/harassment group), I’m Vice President
Key Club
Tutoring Program, one of the only tutors in my school (so technically one of the leaders)
Volunteer Program (215+ hours to my name and plan on getting more in my senior year)
FACT (anti-tobacco group)
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)
Varsity Basketball Team Member

Awards and Honors:
2 Varsity Letters
National Honor Society
Accepted into a leadership youth group as a sophomore that only accepted 24 kids out of all the sophomores in the area (which holds about 5 different high schools)
From there, I was the one picked from this prestigious group to attend the Wisconsin Leadership Seminar (WILS), a summer leadership conference at UW-Whitewater. Only 200 sophomores from the entire state were invited and I was one of them.

Volunteering and Jobs:
Again, 215+ hours currently and planning on more.
I recorded game scores and player stats for the girl’s basketball travelling team from when they were fifth graders to eighth graders. Every game, every tournament. In addition, I went to their practices to help them out.
I’ve tutored all of my years of high school.
I work at the “Neighborhood Table,” an organization that feeds poorer people that don’t have access to a meal that night.
I volunteer in “Name It, Claim It, Stop It” by visiting elementary, middle, and junior high schools in the area and teaching them about the effects of bullying.
I babysit and mow lawns.

Interest in School:
UW-Madison is my #1 choice and I’ll be devastated if I don’t get in. It’s been my goal for years now to get accepted, so I’m definitely not applying as some “whatever safety school” deal.

Sorry that this is a lot. I overanalyze and worry a lot, so I like giving as much information as possible in order to get the most reliable results. Thank you and have a great summer everyone! :slight_smile: Please Reply!!!

*I must add that I received a concussion my sophomore year due to basketball. This severe head injury took a toll on my academics sophomore year, causing them to drop somewhat. I plan on adding that to my application this year in order to show that without this screwup, my GPA is higher than approximately a 3.8something. :slight_smile:


Oh, and I’m ranked in the top 16% of my class. My class is very competitive as well.

@Madison85 Okay! I really appreciate the response as I see you comment on a lot of these threads! Thank you! :slight_smile:

You are welcome!

Looks good. Those sophomore grades offset by improved junior year ones I presume.

Keep up the good work but also take time to enjoy your final year of HS/childhood. Get your application(s) in and then forget about the process for awhile. It will take time for schools to process your application and it is best to not think about it once you have done your work. Once the ball in in the school’s court forget about it until an answer comes.

@wis75 yes they did! And thank you, I’ll try to do that! :slight_smile:

update on this: got a 3 in ap world last year, a 4 in ap psych this year, and a 5 in english literature and composition this year!!