<p>hello i hope someone could give me an idea.
I am an international student from China. i have chinese citizenship</p>
<p>i got 2030(c680/m740/w610) in sat 1 in nov last year, and i am taking another one in oct this year. Hopefully get about 2200( c700 m800 w700)</p>
<p>I took sat2 this june and got 740bio, 780 physics, 800math2</p>
<p>I am also taking the toefl in oct pobrably 107/120
though i can apply toefl waiver because my cr is high than 670
my gpa is 4.14/4,30 weighted.</p>
<p>i did about 100 community service this year
school tennis basketball team
running metals in school meeting in china
i came to America for high school in jan this year.
senior now
2ap several honors</p>
<p>i am applying to ed cals </p>
<p>Do I have the chance..? i am so nervous about that and so do my parents
thank you very much.</p>
<p>Going to need a stellar essay and some EC’s at least to put you in competition with other International People. Do something that would make you stand out from the rest of the International people.</p>
<p>don’t take this as an offence, but english is obviously your second language. you’ve even taken the toefl. Your SAT scores in math and science are stellar. It’s obvious that the language is somewhat of a barrier for you. Having english as a second language will probably give you significant leeway in terms of your SAT CR and W scores. Moreover, the fact that you got above-average scores on CR and W doesn’t hurt. </p>
<p>Applying to college after just coming to the US is tough. Consider Cooper Union in New York. It’s very strong in engineering and has a very large asian community, which may help you ease in to college life in America. </p>
<p>If I’ve misjudged anything here, please know it was unintentional and I meant no offence.</p>
<p>Don’t worry. Your scores may be not good enough to receive a likely letter, but more than likely, you will be accepted by a good school later. Since you don’t need financial aid, you are treated more or less as a domestic student. Good luck!</p>
<p>hey guys
i want to thank both of you. i just being so anxious these days. thanks to cc, so that i can know that there are some people being nervous like me. </p>
<p>best wishes to everyone!! let’s go CORNELL!!</p>