Please chance me???

<p>I am currently a junior at a highly regarded american school in the middle east, and I am looking to major in mathematics.</p>

<p>Here are my stats/qualities:</p>

<p>GPA:3.822 after 10th grade, bound to go up because of 2 APs this year and 3/4 the next year
Class Rank: 10 of 116
Very rigorous course load</p>

<p>SAT1: taking it in January, expecting a 1900 first time, will aim for a 2150 the second time after doing some intensive preparation
SAT2's: taking math2 at the end of this year, aiming for a 750+, will take biology in October of senior year(next year), aiming for a 700+</p>

This year: Stats and Econ this year (expecting a 5 on stats and maybe a 4 and a 5 on macro and micro)
Next Year: English (4), Cal A/B (5), Physics B (4/5), Biology (4)</p>

<p>Next years AP scores won't really matter since I will be applying ED.</p>

<p>OH and I also have a question.. Does Duke require an official AP score report when we apply? Or can we just send our scores to them after their decision (for placement)</p>

<p>ECs and others:
MUN: 9, 10, 11, 12; participated in numerous regional conferences
Pakistani Society Debate Organizer
National cricket team (traveled to a few places, and hosted a tournament ourselves; appeared in the local newspaper for being chosen for the national team; i was going to be the captain for our last tour, but i was unfortunately injured a week or so before the selections, so that hurt me quite a bit)
Cricket Club: 6 years; competition with other clubs throughout the nation, recognition for being the best under 15 batsman in the nation; led our team to 3 championships and was the captain for 2 years
Basketball: 9, 10, 11, 12 (captain)
Softball (school doesn't offer real baseball for some reason):10 (MIP and vice captain), 11 (captain), 12 (captain)
NHS: 11, 12
Helped out at a Pakistani orphanage
Community clean-up in Toronto
Tutoring: 9, 11, 12
INJAZ (business organizations' competition):10, 11, 12
Forensics and Debate: 11, 12 (Recognition for excellence in the original oratory speeches)</p>

Worked at an accounting firm (Accountex) in New York
I have a great passion for iPhones/iPod touches and actually have an unofficial business in buying, selling, and FIXING these lovely little devices from Apple
Have tutored my little cousin for a long time now</p>

<p>This summer I am planning to go to Africa and do some development work. I hope that works out right because I have always wanted to go there and help the individuals residing in that part of the world.</p>

<p>I want to do a major in mathematics with a concentration in actuarial science.
I am a Pakistani/Canadian living in the Middle East
Does being young for your grade affect your chances in any way?(don't know if it will;the class of '10 is mostly born in 1992, while i was born in 1993).</p>
