<p>Hi, i've already applied to msu, but i'm just wondering if i'll get in, coz i'm an international...
SAT: 2080 and 2200
SAT II: Lit - 770
Math Level 2- 730
Bio - 750
I did 9 IGCSEs and got straight As. I also did 5 AS Levels (4 As and a B) and 3 A-levels(waiting for results).
My ECs are just okay, i guess... Karate, drama, community service(teaching drama), math and science club.
I think my essay was good. it was about diversity. Does msu value diversity, because i could definitely add to the diversity of a university...
Can anyone help me? thanks...</p>
<p>Wow, I got in with a lot worse stats.
I think Michigan State is a safety for you.</p>
<p>Looks like you got a good chance of admission. Also being international may help you.</p>
<p>You’ll most likely get in, your stats are well above the average!</p>