please chance me...................

<p>Gender: Male
Location: India
High School: Private
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 93.00
GPA - Weighted: 92.00
Class Rank: 2
Class Size: 250</p>

SAT I - 770(W),750(M),780(CR)
hoping to give sat ii this year</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: partcipated in intel isef
winner of the city level science fair
winner of the state level science fair
winner of the regional science fair
winner of the national science fair(IRIS)
captain of college debating team(hoping to be national champion this year)
captain of the school quiz team
captain of the school science team
captain of the community service club
vice captain of the debating team
prefect of the school
member of the literary board of the school
member of the school magazine "constantia"
member of the community service club</p>

<p>Athletic Status - list sport and your level:
swimming :school level
track and field :school level
hockey :school level
table tennis: school level
badminton:city level
Honors and Awards:
recipient of the micfest award
recipient of the literary fest award
winner of the quanta competition
winner of the McFair competition</p>

<p>any other which you all suggest????</p>

<p>thanks in advance!</p>

<p>bump…please chance me</p>

<p>You have the stats to be in the running for any school, I’d say, but no one can really tell you for sure at any particular school.</p>

<p>that seems quite confusing,sorry but can i really get admitted?</p>

<p>You sound like a qualified applicant, but they can’t admit every qualified applicant. So, yes, you might be admitted, but no, we can’t tell you if you will be.</p>

<p>thanks,any1 else please </p>


<p>You have excellent chances, I think, rt_08. Your extracurriculars and SAT scores are outstanding :)</p>


<p>Sorry to bump this thread but…</p>

<p>I currently live in Iowa (near Grinnell) and I know a fair bit about the university. I am also Indian, though the only applications that I’m facing at the moment are Prep School applications. </p>

<p>I will speak from a good friend’s experience… Though not a “well kept secret”, Grinnell does not receive as many international applications as schools like Harvard (etc.).</p>

<p>You seem to have a very high chance; show them that a) you are really passionate about [etc.] and b) you really want to go to Grinnell. </p>

<p>I know the application season is over so good luck to you in terms of admissions, I am sure you will get in. </p>


<p>thnxx any one else please
i still have one more year</p>

Is this really so? I mean about a small amount of intl apps? Grinnell has 12% intl students, which is a lot - most colleges I’ve researched had like 8%. </p>

<p>Anyways, I got addmitted and as an international myself I guess we can compare. My GPA is higher, though my SAT I is considerably lower: 650-650-670. My subject tests (took 4 subjects) vary from low 700s to high 700s. TOEFL was 113. Although you might not need it, I guess you’re taught in English. Maybe not lol I’m just jealous of your CR and Wr scores:D Can’t compare extracurriculars - too different in Russia.</p>

<p>As you can see, you’re an SAT star in comparison to me. But India is overrepresented. But I think that you have a very good chance!</p>

<p>I don’t know how many international apps they get, but they do accept lots of international students and offer good FA so maybe they get a better yield than some schools. My son loves being at a college with so much diversity. His year, the entering class was 14% international and last year maybe 10%.</p>

<p>some more stats:
national winner at IIT kanpur(in school events)
national winner at IIT guwahati(in school events)
(the IIT stands for Indian Institute Of Technology)
national winner of All India Frank Anthony Debate</p>


<p>It’s a strange year for admissions because of the economic downturn. I’m sure Grinnell, like all the other schools, is holding it’s institutional breath to see how many current students return with increased financial needs, and how much the current applicant pool is going to require in order for them to attract the caliber of student they want. I understand a lot of the mid-western schools are going to be making more offers this year in anticipation of a higher rejection rate for financial reasons-which suggests that financial aid isn’t going to be used to make up the difference in many cases.</p>

<p>By the time you apply, rt, things may be clearer. In the meantime, you are a strong applicant-from an over-represented country-with a lot of strong competition. Plan to apply to a large number of schools including some of the less academically competitive ones if you are very keen on a US undergrad education. If you want to know of more that are like Grinnell, we can help you there. Or perhaps you already have a list which we can give you some feedback on in terms of degree of competitiveness.</p>

<p>thanks a lot M’s Mom
well i belong to the class of 2014
and i have shortlisted some colleges where i plan to pursue my under graduation.These are :
Grinnell College
Middlebury College
Amherst College
Harvey Mudd
UT Austin
Arizona State University
It would be nice if u all would honestly comment on my list
Thank You in advance</p>

<p>Wow that is the Strangest mix of schools I have ever seen</p>

<p>You have these Catagories:</p>

<p>Preppy Jockish Liberal Arts Schools: Amherst, Middlebury, Williams, Colgate</p>

<p>Crazy Engineering Science Schools: Harvey Mudd, MIT</p>

<p>Crazy Liberal Anti-Jock Intellectual School: Grinnell</p>

<p>Huge State School: ASU, UT Austin</p>

<p>Prestigous Not super undergrad focused Schools: HY</p>

<p>I’ll have to admit, that I think you need to do some serious thinking about what type of school you want… Those are all EXTREMELY different schools!</p>

<p>He clearly likes different types of schools, coming from an Indian perspective any American school is better than most Indian schools. They have schools such as IIT but those are just INSANE academics and nothing else…</p>

<p>Grinnell receives less international acceptances because it is not as internationally known… It may accept more for a diversification purpose.</p>

<p>But SmallerColleges makes a good point. If rt is planning to study engineering (which applications to MIT and Harvey Mudd imply), why wouldn’t he apply to Stanford, Cal Tech and Georgia Tech, to name just few good tech schools? And in that case, why is he applying to LACs that have no engineering major at all? (Unless he’s hoping to do a 3/2?) Likewise, if he’s after prestige and want Harvard and Yale, why not Stanford and Princeton (both of which have stronger engineering programs).</p>

<p>Or, if he isn’t interested in engineering, then why apply to MIT and Harvey Mudd? (Unless its the physics, math, CS? In which case there is a different list that makes sense for him.)</p>

<p>rt, clarify for us what you are looking for and we can give you some suggestions.</p>

<p>well i know that my colleges are weird but according to statistics they are the ones that offer maximum aid to intls(6 of them are need blind for internationals)plz correct me if i am wrong…
i am planning to major in physics(nuclear physics,astrophysics and molecular exobiology are some intentions)</p>