<p>GPA-81 (Tough School ranked last year 40 in the nation ) don't know if that matters
CR-School does not rank does not do GPA either (a specialized science magnet school)
Class rigor- Very tough schedule some of the hardest classes in my school taught at a college level ( AP biology, Organic Chemistry,Calculus ,AP Micro-economics etc...)
Ethnicity- Asian Male
SAT II-720 Bio E (650 Math 2)
Extra Curriculars :
--Varsity Tennis -leadership role on a very very strong and successful team top 3 in New York City for past 8 years
--Internship at SUNY Downstate Medical Center 4 months
--Volunteer hours 290++ at local hospital </p>
<p>Applied to Harpur
Thanks for your time guys</p>
<p>you’ll get in.
bing says that they take a holistic approach to evaluating applications, but as long as you’re an instate applicant with over a 1300/1600 on the SATs…that’s all they really care about.</p>
<p>im telling you man…all they care about is test scores. all the other stuff you do is meaningless. my girlfriend has been corresponding with the bing admissions counselor in her area. the counselor pretty much told her (without actually telling her ;/) that she wont get in after being deferred from ea to rd. the counselor kept making references to transferring, blah blah blah.
her gpa 3.75 act 25 sats 1080/1600; 1650/2400
lots of ecs
pt job
nice recs
decent essay
shes that typical well rounded student but she didnt test well.
bing is her first choice so its sad but luckily she has quite a few more options.</p>
<p>nystudent- your logic is faulty. the fact that you can’t get in without decent test scores does NOT mean you can get in with decent test scores and a poor gpa. decent test scores may be a necessary condition of admission (i’m not saying i know anything about the actual criteria, i’m just working off your assertion), but it doesn’t mean its a sufficient condition.</p>
<p>as for the op – the gpa is simply low for binghamton – but i have no idea if the supposed rigor of the school will counter balance that.</p>
<p>Most decisions are made based on test scores. However, if one is slightly below the avg. in one category but above avg. in the other, it will help balance the applicant out. In this particular case, I think that the fact that the OP’s school is prominent will help his/her chances immensely. Now if it was a lesser known HS, than I would say he/she has no chance.</p>
<p>The Geneseo adcom told the info session I was apart of that SUNY schools, and Geneseo in particular, rely “very heavily” standardized testing results. It is true and a damn shame.</p>
<p>Cutoff as in someone has absolutely no shot if he/she does not have at least a certain score? I cannot be certain. I know for a fact that Geneseo (more selective than Bing and in SUNY system) will not even read a typical in-state application if that person does not have at least a 1200 SAT score. My GC told me that because we have a decent relationship so she would feel comfortable sharing that info with me (not in a creepy way) and she has connections within the admissions office at Geneseo.</p>
<p>I am guessing that Binghamton is probably somewhere in the 1100s for that same type of thing.</p>
<p>A lot of OOS kids were accepted EA with 85-90 avgs. and 1100 SATS. That is a fact.</p>