<p>Considered Colleges
-University of Michigan
-University of Pennsylvania
-Cornell University
-Washington at St. Louis
-Northwestern University
-University of Virginia
-University of California
Applying Early ^^</p>
Unweighted GPA: 3.93
Rank: Top 5%
SAT I: Did not take.
SAT IIs: MATH 2 - 780
ACT: 33 (English - 31; Math - 36; Reading - 30; Science - 34); Essay - 9
APs: Biology - 5; Calculus AB - 4; Psychology - 5
Many honor classes in High School</p>
<p>Plans for Senior Year:
AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP Physics C, AP ENGLISH, AP SPANISH
Tough Schedule with 4 AP Classes
Block Scheduling- 4 Classes a Day</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars<br>
-Students Against Destructive Decisions (Member: 9-12; Treasurer: 11th Grade; VP: 12th Grade)
-Spanish Club (Member: 9-12; Officer: 10th-12th Grade)
- National Honors Society: 10-12
-Spanish Honors Society: 11-12
-Church Youth Group: 9-12
-Rotary Interact (Volunteer Organization)
-Tutored Freshman
-Piano- 5 Years
-Community Services - 200 Hours</p>
<p>State or Country: MI
School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): Pretty Good Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male</p>
<p>General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: No idea what i wanna do..leaning towards engineering</p>
<p>Appreciate your comments and/or suggestions for improvement as well!</p>
<p>Will chance back.</p>