please chance me

<p>I'm really interested in Geneseo and I'm wondering if I have a realistic shot at getting in. I appreciate all comments.</p>

<p>So here are my basic credentials.</p>

<p>Male with Asian father and Caucasian mother (so am I Asian American?)
Attending small public school in New York State, about 125 students in class</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA - 93% (3.7??)
Weighted - 98%
Class Rank - not yet released but expecting to be 7-12th in a very competitive class</p>

<p>SAT (going to retake in Oct.)
Critical Reading - 710
Math - 670
Writing 650
ACT Comp. - 30</p>

<p>Subject Tests
Chemistry 750
U.S. History 700
Literature 700</p>

<p>AP Exams (so far, enrolled in a few more this year)
Chemistry - 5
U.S. History - 5
English Language - 4</p>

<p>Extracurriculars include-
Cross Country 10th-12th, named co-captain this year
Indoor Track 9th-12th
Outdoor Track 9th-12th
Peer Leadership 10th-12th ->> various community service activities
National Honor Society 11th-12th
French Honor Society 10th-12th, Vice President since 11th
School Newspaper 11th, 12th
a few more volunteer things here and there
Working as basketball scorekeeper in winter 9th-12th
summer camp counselor 10th-11th</p>

<p>I am somewhat interested in chemistry but I'm undecided on a major.</p>

<p>Thanks for helping me out</p>

<p>I think you are in :slight_smile: But you got a good 710 on cr, I think you won’t have much trouble getting a 720 or more on the math section, just practice 20 miutes each day and it’ll go up up up! … SATII are ok: high scores and those different subjects show broad interests. The 5 in your APUSH is pretty impressive (92,5 precentile). Good job! Given you’re interested mainly in Chemistry if I were you I’d probably try to get a 700 or so in a SATII Math and try to re-take the ACT as well since it should be a 31 if you want it to match with your SAT.
Realx now and think to something nice to write in the essay, maybe you could read something challenging to get some ideas.</p>

<p>Don’t worry if you’re undecided, you’ll have time to explore many different courses when you’ll be there.</p>

<p>Ciao :)</p>

<p>Seems like a match, great shot at Geneseo. </p>

<p>Good test scores, rigorous schedule and ECs. Certainly way better stats than my own and I made it in so I think you should be okay.</p>

<p>yea you’re in pretty good shape i had very similar scores and activities to yours and i’ll be attending geneseo this year</p>

<p>The identity of Geneseo is changing every year, so it’s hard to say. I don’t see why you wouldn’t get in though.</p>

<p>3 years ago I got in with 0 extracurriculars and an 89 GPA, but not anymore.</p>

<p>With your score and activites, why even worry? I know Geneseo is selective, but it’s not Ivy league selective. You are overly qualified, and there are very few Asians at Geneseo.</p>