Please chance my ED hopes at Wharton

<p>First off, I just want to congratulate everyone who has gotten into Wharton early decision. I'm a junior right now, and I just wanted to evaluate my chances of is my dream school after all. Please be honest, and don't hold back any criticism. Thank you for your time, and I wish you all happy holidays and good fortune with your future endeavors.</p>

<p>This is just a few stuff from the top of my objective for Penn is a B.S. econ concentration marketing, management, retail and a B.A. in global analysis</p>

-3.94 unweighted (freshman and sophomore year; I went through a rough patch second semester of sophomore year, and my GPA dropped significantly--from 3.98 to 3.94; it'll probably go up (as long as I don't fail my finals) after this semester)
-Top 3 percent (school doesn't weight grades)
-Competitive public school; ranked number one in state
-7 AP courses, 6 honor courses, 2 advanced activity courses/year; Score of 5: World History, European History; will take US History, Biology, Calc AB, Calc BC, Lit and self study psychology and environmental science for the end of this year
-PSAT: 234
-SAT: TBD; SAT II World History: 800, SAT II Math II: 800, will take SAT II Bio and SAT II US History at the end of this school year</p>


<p>you said your a junior so what are you doing here! go out and have fun. your still early.</p>

<p>I second that ^ ^ ^</p>

<p>But 72 hours a week in EC’s?? Admissions officers may find that somewhat hard to believe, though you do seem quite ambitious…</p>

<p>My academics always come second to my extra-curricular. I only spend 2 hrs a day on school work. Reason I’m applying to Wharton is b/c of its practical education. I can’t stand just learning about theories. Need to get out and do things -_-</p>

<p>I go to bed at 3 AM every weekday and at 12 AM every weekend…massive bags under the eyes -_-</p>

<p>Yeah your credentials seem amazing but it’s possible that adcom could look at all that stuff and just say there’s too much super-robot do-it-all stuff going on here. </p>

<p>whats your ethnicity/gender?</p>

<p>I’m unfortunately asian (chinese)</p>

<p>But also male and first generation (dunno if it’ll help)</p>

<p>I guess I’m counting on being a male and wanting to pursue a retail concentration?</p>

<p>Should I cut some of my extra-curriculars like Academic Superbowl and DECA and just mention the awards I’ve won from those activites?</p>

<p>I’m sending a supplemental activities resume that elaborates on my internships, maybe summer programs, and school activities</p>

<p>I’m also sending a supplmental arts activity for all my performing arts…sending in an orchestra, an choral and a violin solo recording…should be around 10 minutes?</p>

<p>Dude calm down… if your stuff is legit, I think you have a very good chance. Nothing is certain with admissions though.</p>

<p>yea on the same thread earlier today i said nobody cares about internships he declined</p>

<p>how does one get an M&A summer analyst position at HSBC while still in high school? This has to be one of the most coveted assignments for university juniors, four years ahead of you. Are you the son of the CEO perhaps :)</p>

<p>solidly embarrassing that you just got called out on a blatant lie…on CC</p>

<p>rofl dude how sick would it be if he took his last name, put it first and became a rapper named Chai T</p>

<p>Hahaha what a tool. Also, that is brilliant QuakerOats.</p>

<p>And he could rap about turning down internships…or maybe not who knows lol</p>

<p>Panda…I think you deserve chance to defend yourself if your whole chance thread is legit…or give an explanation on why you would lie if aaaaassd is right</p>

<p>And next time, do some math. If you are going to exaggerate, then atleast add up your hours. There are 168 hours in a week (24*7)</p>

<p>Do Something; 10 hours a week
HiLite; 13 hours a week
Student Government; 10 hours a week
Key Club; 5 hours a week (yes you were vice president, but you lost that position last year)
Academic Super Bowl; 5 hours a week
DECA; 5 hours a week
Symphony Orchestra; 9 hours a week
-Indianapolis Children’s Choir; 5-15 hours a week (ill take the average of 10 hours)
-Bitwise Fellows 10-15 hours a week (ill take the rounded average of 13 hours per week)
-14 hours for homework (you even said in another post, i spend 2 hours/day on homework)…</p>

<p>10+13+10+5+5+5+9+10+13+14=94 hours.
Now thats not so bad, except we have a few problems with this</p>

<li>We are assuming that RIGHT after you finish an EC, you AUTOMATICALLY start the next EC</li>
<li>We are assuming that you can travel at light speed, so when you go downtown to your choir practices, it takes you 0 seconds.</li>

<p>Of course these things arent true. Im pretty sure you spend atleast a total of 2 hours/day for 7 days (14 hours) doing these things, since it seems like your ECs are broad.</p>


<p>Oh wait, but then you go to 8 HOURS/DAY AT SCHOOL. Let me just do 8*5=40 (we wont even include your time on the bus/driving to school).

<p>So basically, you have 168-148=20 hours to SLEEP, EAT, TAKE SHOWERS, POST FALSE STATS ON CC…</p>

<p>Hmm so apparently you average less than 3 hours per day doing all of these combined activites…</p>

<p>And of course, this is also taking into account that you have to do some of these ECs (like Symphony Orchestra) at like 12:00 midnight (since if we just take the 6:00 AM-6:00 PM activies-when MOST people do their ECs, youll be getting negative hours)…</p>

<p>Most people do a combined (maximum) 50 hours a week for all of their ECs…you obviously can bend time so it shouldnt matter to you.</p>


<p>your chances are absolutely abysmal, bad at best.
wharton isn’t something that you can deceive that easily.
i didn’t need to see the posts below yours to know that you lied. adcoms will know it even better than me. i mean, no one puts down stuff they turned down in their resumes…no one cares. it doesn’t make you a better candidate because you turned down bank internships that were made up to begin with.
i hope wharton and every other school with any moral sense rejects you if you do this. you deserve it.</p>

<p>or this is a ■■■■■…</p>

<p>I don’t understand why anyone would even bother wasting their time pointing out all his lies in detail :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I don’t even know why he chanced himself, except maybe to show off what a fantastic person he is, which has obviously been an epic fail. </p>

<p>Thoguh since he asks for his chances, I’d say pretty slim b/c they adcom probably would not believe him. Pray adcom doesn’t go through CC :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: And remove everything you supposedly “turned down” and inflating yourself, you aren’t a big shot. If you really are such a fantastic person, you will have other opportunities to show it rather than in such a tasteless manner. Without all the “add-ons” your chances would already have been pretty decent, I think. Since you still have time, maybe you could do another intern or job you do for real - not another few “I turned downs”. (though honestly, I didn’t put my interns down b/c they weren’t paid jobs) And you’ll have to work on becoming a more liekable person also. That’ll increase your chances too :stuck_out_tongue: Then when you do apply, this time, make it more honest and sincere…</p>

<p>though I guess the hours could work out depending on when how many weeks were actually spent and not too many were going on concurrently.</p>