Please Chance this hopeful Sophomore!

<p>Can you please tell me if i'm on the right track for pre-med at schools like Tufts, North Eastern, BU, BC, Brandeis, Cornell, UMass, and other similar schools. </p>

<p>GPA: 3.77 UW, 4.34 W</p>

<p>SATs so far: BIO M 670 (Hope to retake) </p>

<p>Classes so far...
Freshman year:
Honors Bio A-
Honors English B+
History (no honors offered for frosh) A-
Honors French 2 A
Regular Spanish 1 A
Regular Math (Geometry) A
Android App Development A</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
Honors English 2
Quantitative Chem
Honors History
Honors French 3
Regular Spanish 2
Regular Math
Drawing </p>

<p>EC'S so far.. - HS Mock Trial Team, Jiu Jitsu, Applying to volunteer at Children's hospital, Amnesty International.. </p>

<p>Let me know what you think, hoping to major in bio or biochemistry and pursue med school at some decently prestigious schools. Give me whatever you got! Feel free to be a critic thank you so much for the help!!</p>