Please chance this poor C+/B- Howard applicant...

<p>At Howard University.. Here is my stuff. Please be completely honest.</p>


<p>Varsity Debate Team
Academic Decathlon (made it to state-3rd place in Interview)
Mock Trial attorney
S.A.D.D. (President)
DECA (Vice-President of school chapter)
Elite Choir (top select of singers from all of our choirs)
Solo Contest (got division 1)
Recycling Club</p>

<p>Grades (my problem):</p>

<p>Freshman year: 1.1
Sophomore year: 2.2465
Junior year: 3.5, I'm trying..
Senior year: Hopefully a 4.0.</p>

<p>Those should (with the 4.0) add up to about a 2.6 GPA. But with my situation, it would probably be best that apply early action, and that's first semester of my senior year.. so they wouldn't even really see the 4.0. Without it, it would average to be about a 2.2 GPA. And even with first semester of a 4.0 senior year, it would average to be about a 2.3-2.4 GPA.</p>

<p>ACT: 30</p>

<p>I am VERY aware that that is a horrible GPA to graduate with, and I truly regret it. The problem was that 3 days before my freshman year started my father died from cancer. I was depressed and that got in the way of me reaching my full potential. Sophomore year my mother remarried. </p>

<p>I just really want to go to Howard University. It really is my dream school, and I hope with every bone in my body that I get accepted. I don't think there's any other applicant that wants this as bad as I do. I know that sounds naive, but it feels right to say.</p>

<p>My desired major is Afrkan studies. I know that's not a very popular major, so that might help me. Or will it? I just really need some honest predictions... What do you think?</p>

<p>At this point, I'm not banking on scholarships or anything. I just want to get accepted; that's my only goal. I want this.</p>

<p>PLEASE reply! I know sometimes that doesn't happen on this site...</p>

<p>With that ACT you should be fine</p>

<p>yea, no offense but with that ACT i'm sure you'll get in. Apply early though, it would be best. :)</p>

<p>p.s. I am a complete opposite situation where my gpa is extremely high (3.9/4.0 senior year) but my SAT score was very low = / (1650) . good luck!</p>

<p>SomeGirl: I am sorry to hear about the loss of your father. Did you write about your freshmen year experience in your essays? Most schools consider grade improvement, especially when there is an important reason behind the low grades. Also the maturity and strength it took to deal with your family situation will be in your favor as well. I agree that your ACT score is excellent and will strengthen your application. Your chances may be better than you think. Where else did you apply?</p>

<p>Excellent ACT. Very understandable reason for your freshman grades (Make sure that your GC writes about that reason, too). Excellent upward trend. All of this should work to your benefit.</p>

<p>If you took the PSAT and scored similarly to how you did on the ACT, you also should end up being a National Achievement Semifinalist. You won't make finalist because that seems to require a 3.5, but semifinalist is a great achievement, which also will help you, and might even qualify you for some merit aid from Howard.
Best of luck!</p>

<p>Additionally, Howard bases a lot of scholarship on standardized testing scores. So you're not neccessarily out of the running for some scholarship money!</p>

<p>Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>yea you have a good shot, i know of someone who got in with a 3.1 and a horrible SAT score. Your ACT score is very good, so you should be fine.</p>

<p>Your ACT score is bomb! You will get in, don’t worry. They’ll see you’re trying to up your game, and that’s a good thing. I was reading this bulletin next to my counselor’s office, and Howard’s ACT score they looked for was 13 (at least that’s what I read on the College Board poster she had). I don’t know how recent that was, but either way you have a really really really good score! :)</p>

<p>Thats not true. Howard looks for around a 23. A 13 is almost insulting. That was probably extremely outdated. Or you just thought you saw 13 when really it said 23.</p>

<p>^ Lol that thing HAS been up there for a while. Knowing me, I probably read it wrong. Collegeboard says 19-29 on the ACT.</p>

<p>ACT is great im sure you’ll get in</p>

<p>I was in the same boat. I graduated with only a GPA of 2.3, but I scored a 26 and a 27 on my ACT and I got into Howard with no problems. They didn’t even put me on the waiting list. You should be fine, that ACT score means you know how to do the work.</p>