Please don't hate me, but is a 2100 good enough for a hispanic student?

<p>I got a 2100 on my SATs from may. 700+ on both writing and math, and upper half 600 on critical reading. Though i am really excited to have recieved this score, i'm wondering if it's enough for rice, columbia, and harvard. please dont bash me for this.</p>

<p>the reason i'm not saying the exact scores (like 720 or w/e) is because i'm really paranoid and afraid a friend will read this post and discover who i am!! lol </p>

<p>thank you</p>

<p>don’t ever count on your race to compensate for anything. it’s a bad policy.</p>

<p>I’d say those scores are a bit low. if you think you can get them higher, then go ahead and retest. if you don’t, then you may want to consider if those schools are right for you.</p>

<p>Hundreds, if not thousands, of people have your exact scores. I don’t just mean that they have your 21xx, they have your exact section scores. No one would ever be able to reasonably tell who you are from your scores. But paranoia can be fun sometimes. . . .</p>

<p>Anywho, you really, really should never count on your scores to get you in some place. I mean think about what you’re saying. You’re saying that 2100 is okay because your Hispanic. Just because colleges set lower standards for URMs like you and me (I’m black) doesn’t mean that we should set lower standards for ourselves. We should never, ever do that. When we do, we prove all of the comments people make about AA true. When you give up, you in part validate the comments of “You only got into that school because you are black/Hispanic/Native American/whatever” (but people are wrong to make those comments anyway). Don’t stop until you personally are satisfied with your scores.</p>

<p>That score won’t make you stand out at ivies or other top schools. Will a 2100 make or break the decision to accept you into a top school? Probably not. But it’s not going to give an advantage either.</p>

<p>Hey guys, is a 2130 high enough for an Eskimo?</p>

<p>^lmao^. Do you think being an eskimo would be a hook? I’d be really interested to know…</p>

<p>thank you millancad for your insightful answer. and i’m not being sarcastic. i never really thought that being satisfied with a score actually meant that i was setting a lower standard for myself! thanks again. i’ll retake in the fall</p>



<p>I’m risking spam, but I really don’t mind. Quoted for absolute truth.</p>

<p>A 2100 is a very good score. I doubt it will be competitive enough for Columbia and Rice. I was waitlisted at Rice with a 2300 :/</p>