<p>Got into Notre Dame via diversity likely w paid trip, BC EA, Cornell via a diversity likely. This is nice, I'm very grateful...</p>
<p>I was rejected by gtown two days ago though...any hope for Tufts? I love it so much! I don't mean this to sound at all pretentious so I'm very sorry if it does. </p>
<p>Thanks all, good luck.</p>
<p>if you’re into Notre Dame, BC and Cornell, there’s no reason to believe that your application won’t be competitive at Tufts. However, as you found out with Georgetown, at the top tier schools, no one is a lock.</p>
<p>I guess you’ll know in bit more than 5 hours. Good luck!!!</p>
<p>Of course there is a chance. I’m sure you are qualified, but it’s time to see what the decision is momentarily. Best of luck.</p>
<p>Good luck to both of you as well.</p>
<p>I’m already in via EDII
But thanks. I give my luck to you, then.</p>
<p>Your application must obviously be competitive, but there is still no way of knowing. I got into BC and Notre Dame too and I was rejected from Tufts…</p>