Please enlighten me: UC Santa Barbara or UC Davis?

<p>I realize it’s another of “those” threads, but I feel that its extremely necessary to ask. And I am sorry it’s a bit of a mouthful to read this thread.</p>

<p>UC’s I got into were UCR, UCSC, UCSB, and UCD. rejected @ UCI, UCSD, and UCLA. </p>

<p>I am struggling to choose between UC Davis and UC Santa Barbara. </p>

<p>I used to lean more favorably towards SB. but after I did a campus tour of UCD. . . . I was profoundly surprised by the nice location and the variety of programs it has available. I have yet to do a campus tour of UCSB, which I will do in a couple of days.</p>

<p>UCSB v. UCD: its a complete stalemate so far.</p>

<p>Here’s me:
-had a 3.8 weighted gpa in HS. But I am willing to start over academically at college, and perhaps pursue honors program.</p>

+tennis & table tennis
+jazz saxophone
+fine art/portrait/photojournalism photography
+write & create art and the such.</p>

<p>-I don’t really care much for parties. Sure, I will go to a few, but its not what I go to college for.</p>

<p>-Socially, I’m fine. People talk. I talk. So, I get along with everybody else perfectly fine. :). However, I heard the social life is more desired at SB than Davis. . . Though I found the college students at Davis perfectly affable. :)</p>

<p>-Food: I want my Asian food! Or an accessible kitchen to cook in lol. (Davis has some, I’m not too sure about SB.)</p>

<p>-Weather wise, I am a sunny/warm weather guy. Not too fond of cold weather.</p>

<p>-Dorms: I want coed floors. </p>

<p>-I’d really prefer to live near home. . . .SB is only 2 1/2 hours from my home. Davis is 8 hours away. :frowning: </p>

<p>-I like the non-competitive/laid back nature of the student body of both schools.</p>

<p>**My career goals. . . **
-I put undeclared: humanities or somethin for both colleges. But, I am playing around with ideas of pursuing careers in:

  • journalism. (Broadcast, preferably. fine with print journalism. I hear SB has a strong communications program, no?)
  • landscape architecture. (Only davis offers that major.)
  • graphic design/media arts/advertising. (dunno about either colleges.)</p>

<p>All I want is a good-paying career, and a chance to go a prestigious grad school if I do end up pursuing a Master’s or PhD.</p>

<p>Can you give pointers or recommendations of either UC? I need to decide on a college within a couple weeks!</p>

<p>Thank you,</p>


<p>You really sound like someone who would like Davis to me…</p>

<p>-They have a ton of sports activities at Davis, so you will be able to play tennis and table tennis. </p>

<p>-You could join the marching band or the wind ensemble. </p>

<p>-There are many scenic areas on campus for artistic inspiration, perhaps the arboretum or the quad. </p>

<p>-You are not much of a partier. That is good, because Davis students are not really party people either. I understand that there are plenty of parties, for example parties hosted by fraternities, but that is definitely not the campus environment at Davis.</p>

<p>-Everyone is in high spirits at Davis</p>

<p>-Davis is far from your home, but I wouldn’t make my decision based on that. Most people have such a good time at college that they rarely go home on weekends anyways, even if they live an hour away. </p>

<p>-Davis seems like a healthy mix of laid-back/competitive atmosphere. While the students have a good time, they study just as hard. </p>

<p>I don’t know too much about Santa Barbara. You should definitely visit. I am sure it is a great school to consider as well.</p>

<p>Just compare the course listings between the two for the major that you are interested in and pick the one that has program that appeals to you if education is the only thing that matters .</p>

<p>In other areas Davis may be better — More internship opportunities in the state capital, lower cost of living if you move out of campus. However summer weather is more tolerable in SB</p>

<p>So, uh.</p>

<p>Anybody else want to put their input?</p>

<p>I’m not basing my decision on the replies here. . . .I just want to hear input. . . .</p>

<p>I don’t think you can go wrong with either schools. The list assembled by Cali Trumpet could all also apply to UCSB as well besides for the partying one, but I’ve written over and over again on these forums about how the partying atmosphere there is overblown.</p>

<p>I can give some extra insight on UCSB:
-Lots of intramural sports. I forgot the statistic, but the majority of students here have participated in them.
-The area is beautiful. Beaches, cliffs, mountains, the lagoon. On a particularly stressful day, you’ll feel lucky to be surrounded by this.
-Isla Vista, right nextdoor to UCSB, has plenty of Asian food restaurants and Goleta, the surrounding town, has several Asian markets.
-Santa Barbara is known for its spectacularly sunny and warm weather. However, being from the Valley, I wasn’t expecting all the rain and wind during the winter months. Beware of that. Otherwise, it really is great.</p>

<p>Like I said before, you can’t really go wrong either way. Social experiences are subjective and you will likely find compatible people regardless of the school you go to. It sounds like you’re still undecided about major choice, so I’m sure either college will give you ample opportunities to explore.</p>

<p>Let me know if there’s anything else you want to know.</p>

<p>My friend, who shares similar characteristics as you, is choosing to attend UCSB. He really likes the atmosphere at Santa Barbara, and he does not party.</p>

<p>I didn’t mean to overblow the SB partying scene. I believe both schools are excellent. I was just providing the OP with information about Davis, since I do not know much about SB.</p>

<p>Academically, the two are pretty much the same.
Davis is a lil better for premeds/life science students.
SB is a lil better in business and engineering.</p>

<p>Based on what you said, I think SB is better for you because the weather is better, it’s closer to home, and you can have your co-ed floors =].</p>

<p>I think Davis has slightly better food, though, that isn’t saying much haha.</p>

<p>go for ucsb!
Davis gets pretty cold in the winter time - you might even see snow!..not kidding…
It’s only gets hot in the summer…
SB social scene > davis social scene fersure!
ummm…i think you can get asian food where ever you go! lol
& um both schools seem equally chill…!</p>

<p>it doesnt snow in davis^</p>

<p>[Snow</a> - Davis Wiki](<a href=“]Snow”></p>

<p>the 2009 winter it didnt snow (we wanted it to tho haha)
it skims into the 32 F range, but it doesnt go below 30 really</p>


<p>I thought you can get snow flurries at 35F. You don’t get snow because Davis is dry. From an earlier post it seems SB gets a lot of rain in winter?</p>

<p>gar. 32 degree temperatures @ davis. :(</p>

<p>I really want to go to UCSB, but Davis has the major(s) I really wish to pursue, especially landscape architecture.</p>

<p>I might have to go to davis. . . .for the sake of my future. :&lt;/p>

<p>seriously, ***.</p>

<p>^ if you don’t like Davis in general (weather, student body and whatever…), then don’t go… you’re not going to learn better there if you’re going to be depressed or something. Just go to SB.</p>

<p>its just the weather that bothers me. (even though in my area, we have extremes like davis too. from hot, hot, hot summers to snowy winters. . . .)</p>

<p>i just grit my teeth and get used to the environment.</p>

<p>Yeah, I understand. Well, you should visit both and see I guess? If you like either UCD or UCSB better then go. They’re both great choices! It is just up to you! Good luck :]</p>

<p>I can’t say much, but I had a similar decision like you last year too, between SD, SB, and D. Anddd I CHOSE DAVIS :smiley: and I still love Davis :slight_smile: Probably the best decision I have made in my life. The only thing I really hate is the weather there. It’s perfect most of the year, but during the extremes… UGH!!! but I was from San Francisco so it was never at any extremes :o</p>


<p>how often do the “extremes” occur in davis?</p>

<p>winter and summer fewl</p>

<p>Ok. </p>

<p>thank you mancini!</p>

<p>I don’t mind hot summers. . . .and the winter seems bearable. . . .</p>