Please evaluate my "courseload" to see if it on par with the standards of VT? please.

<p>9th Grade:
World Civilization History component (this was the 1st year the school was offering this is a AP level class for advanced 9th graders)
World Civilization English component (same as above)
Introductory to Engineering
French 2
Geometry Honors
Biology Honors</p>

<p>10th Grade:
AP Computer Science A
AP World
Chemistry Honors
Algebra 2 Honors
English 10 Honors
French 3</p>

<p>11th grade (as of now..there might be some scheduling changed..minor though)
AP Computer Science AB
AP US History
AP Chemistry
Pre-Calculus Honors
AP Stat
AP Language and Composition
Physics Honors</p>

<p>Total Honors Classes: 7
Total AP Classes: 6</p>

<p>Most students in my school only take 1 AP as Sophomore and maybe 2-3 Junior...</p>

<p>So according to VT standards am I challenging myself?????</p>

<p>I think your courseload looks very challenging - have you taken the SAT or ACT yet? How’s your GPA? As mentioned in the other post, VT admissions seems very numbers driven. My S applied out of state to the Engineering school and was accepted with only 6 APS.</p>

<p>Looks great to me!</p>

<p>i have yet to take the SAT…im crossing my fingers</p>

<p>so far my GPA is around 3.875 W and im pretty sure my UW is 3.5 (i need to get this up…and thats why i have to go real good next year)</p>

<p>Whew, child you better get some rest this summer! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Seriously, I think you look fine regarding your schedule. If those classes fit your academic capabilities you will be a great candidate for admission. Just try not to worry about it so much and enjoy being in high school, too. You don’t get that time back you know… :)</p>

<p>Your course load is comparable to what I took in high school, and I was admitted as an out of state student (biology). Be sure you do well on your SATs, and try to keep your unweighted GPA, especially if you want to be a part of the honors program – they require an unweighted 3.5. But as KandKsmom said, be sure to enjoy your last year of high school; I’m saying goodbye to all my high school friends now and I still wish I could spend more time with them. Trust me, it’ll go by more quickly than you think!</p>

<p>hey thanks elvenmiss,
wow until reading you post and researching a bit more i didnt know VT offers a honors program…
is it like a 3.5 higher ur in? or is it much more than that? srry if this is a stupid question</p>

<p>You have to apply to the Honors program. It involves an essay and a resume, I recall. I didn’t apply as early as most others, so I had to make my college decision while my application was still being processed. Just the prospect of being in University Honors, however, swayed my decision (I was between VT and U of MD), and shortly after accepting Tech’s offer of admission I was admitted to the Honors program. From what I’ve seen so far, I can tell you that the Honors staff is exceptional and the program has a lot of benefits (priority class registration, opportunity to take honors classes, special seminars, etc.).
And by the way, I actually had a 3.48 unweighted GPA and was invited to apply, though they say they require a 3.5. So if you’re close you still may be invited.</p>

<p>i was looking at the honors web page and they say that “very few freshman are admitted per year”
do u happen to know how big the honors community is and if course load affects chances (bc i feel the course load is a major + for my application)??</p>

<p>Your HS courseload has nothing to do with getting invited to apply to Honors - initial invitation is purely based on your GPA and SAT score. Of course, the essay and resume can tip the edge between you and another student when it comes down to them choosing one over another, so your courseload could perhaps make a difference at that point. The Honors dorms are very neat and the community itself can be very intellectually rewarding. Very few freshmen are invited to live in the Honors dorms because of lack of space. Keep in mind that you must maintain a very specific GPA (I think it is 3.5) to stay in Honors.</p>

<p>oh ok thanks Zimmer07
i guess when i apply i will keeps my hopes a little low knowing priority is for upperclassman</p>