<p>Okay, so I know many people will think I just have cold feet, but I fully believe that I chose the wrong school. During the decision process I chose between two schools: the University of Washington and a smaller private school.</p>
<p>I was considering UW because I know it's a good school, I'm in state, the tuition is within my family's range, and they have a wide variety of programs.</p>
<p>I was also considering a smaller private school because I really wanted a place where there was a sense of community, where I could be in smaller classes and develop better relationships with my professors, and also it's a lot easier to get involved in activities when the school's population is smaller, I wouldn't have to worry about not getting into classes because they're full or competing for a major.</p>
<p>At the time I made the decision I went through all these phases of what I wanted to major in, I was really trying to find an area I was serious about because I was worried with the smaller selection of programs at the private school, they wouldn't have a program that interested me. I had several areas I considered but was still fuzzy on what I wanted to do so I made an immature decision and I chose a school not based on whether it would provide me with my academic needs, but with what kind of atmosphere I wanted in a school. Stupid, right?</p>
<p>My problem is, since Spring when I sent in my letter telling UW I wouldn't be accepting their offer I've really thought about what field I wanted to go into. I really love languages, I have a strength in the social sciences, and a strong interest in universal health care. That's when I realized that the International Studies major at uw is the best fit for me, especially since they have a Global Health track you can choose within the major!</p>
<p>The school I'm supposed to be attending in the fall doesn't have an int. studies major. And I'm actually interested now in taking some southeast Asian language courses, that uw has and my current school does not have this. My current school only offers 3 languages...</p>
<p>I also was unaware until recently what kind of a financial toll going to a private school will have on my family, and how my parents will be relying on other sources to put me through this private school (I was unaware of this when I made the decision). Graduate school is not an option, especially with the debt I will have after I graduate, even if I did try going to grad school instate uw's grad program is built for students with professional degrees and concurrent degrees, for example you have to get a double degree in business and int. studies, etc.</p>
<p>I just can't believe I chose the wrong school. I've decided paying 4 years for a private school that doesn't have a program I am not interested in and that I'm passionate about is not worth it. I've already built my schedule and told them I was planning on transferring, and I've made it so I'll be taking the prerequisites for my major of interest and the rest of the classes are ones that will fulfill the Area of Knowledge credits at uw, and the other general basic skills credits.</p>
<p>I know it's really difficult to transfer to UW, and that my chances are lower since i'm not a community college student with 90 credits...</p>
<p>I'm willing to sacrifice the small college environment I wanted for a program that I actually want to study. I am pretty much 100% sure this is what I want to do, and if for some bizarre reason I choose something else, everything major at my current school is offered at UW, and tuition is cheaper there also..</p>
<p><strong><em>What should I do? Should I transfer out after a semester? Or after a year? Or should I call the admissions now and tell them my situation? Or should I wait until the beginning of fall?</em></strong>*</p>
<p>My parents are paying tuition for my classes the first of next month and if I'm making a move I should do it before.</p>
<p>This is super long sorry but I REALLLLY appreciate any fast responses!!!</p>