Please give your opinion!

<p>I'm going to be a junior transfer student with 61 credits. </p>

<p>GPA- 3.5
Several clubs
Student Gov
Worked part time outside

<p>What are my chances to U of Miami and UCLA?</p>

<p>need more info
it's funny how i just started a thread title (3.5, the magic number)
and here you are with 3.5..
but it depends on where you are transfering from</p>

<p>What's your major?</p>

<p>If you go to a CCC (and is a California resident) I'd say you have a good shot at UCLA, assuming your major is not impacted.</p>

<p>yeah it's always important to know the school you're transferring from.</p>

<p>oh ok, Pace University in NYC. Im not from NY though, Im from Tennessee. My major is pre-medicine. (Biology or Chemistry)</p>

<p>your chances are better at UMiami than UCLA b/c Cali is so mean to OOS people. That said, great essays should help get you into UMiami.</p>

<p>essays arnt required for transfers to um.</p>

<p>really? that's kinda weird.</p>

<p>Then I'd suggest applying to one more "safety" since I'd say Miami is more of a match and UCLA is a slight reach.</p>

<p>biology is pretty darn impacted at ucla and 3.5 is a little low for an out of state student </p>

<p>so ucla is a reach for ya i'd say</p>

<p>what suggestions do you guys have for a safety? I want to be in a large city, warm year round climate.</p>

<p>University of Arizona? lol sry that's all I can really think of. I know U of H would be really easy, but I wouldn't recommend going there.</p>

<p>Safety: SUNYs, CUNYs, UCs (except Berkeley, UCLA, and UC San Diego), University of Washington in Seattle, University of Illinois - Chicago.</p>

<p>nvm, I think you got a shot at UC San Diego.</p>

I want to be in a large city, warm year round climate.


<p>ok i missed this part.</p>

<p>Take out UW Seattle and UI Chicago. You'll freeze to death in Chicago during winter and suffer from deep depression in Seattle due to 9 monthes of constant rain.</p>

<p>I guess either Texas, California, or Florida would be nice for you.
Since Texas don't have any top ranking schools besides Rice, Texas A&M, and Austin, don't go there. Plus it's a republican state. That alone is a bad enough reason to not attend there.</p>

<p>Florida, you'll get bitten by one of those damn alligators wandering in the street, so don't go there either.</p>

<p>I guess Cali is the ultimate pleasure spot for you.
Why don't you try UC San Diego, UC Irvine, and USC?
I think you have a chance there.</p>

<p>If I dont have a chance at UCLA, I dont at USC, right?</p>

<p>i think you have more of a chance at usc than ucla</p>

<p>Oh ok, I've always been told that USC is pretty much like Harvard on admissions.</p>

<p>lol no not at all.</p>

<p>USC takes around 30% of their transfer applicants (pretty sure but someone may correct me) while Harvard takes 5-8%. USC would be easier than UCLA since it's private.</p>

<p>Ok, heres the real deal people. Im currently about to enter my soph year. I now have a low 3.0 GPA. Im going to work really hard and bring it to 3.5 before entering junior year. If I apply now to transfer these schools are going to see my 3.0 not my 3.5 what do I do?</p>

<p>With my stats, what chance do I have at Pepperdine University and Loyola Marymount University?</p>